Timeline resize bug fix request, timeline bar will not resize


I have created an Animation activity bar with just a timeline and a viewport. If I switch from my Animation activity bar to my Main activity bar, and then go back to Animation, the Timeline resizes itself, and it is no longer possible to resize it (No yellow line to resize). I'm stuck with a tiny viewport for animation (See attached image). This must be a bug others are experiencing, is this the correct place to report software bugs?



800 x 428 - 126K


  • DAZ is in the process of revamping the GUI code, so this may be fixed in a future release. In the mean time, I would suggest going to the following link, selecting the 'Submit a Ticket" button, and submitting a bug report with the information you posted here; https://www.daz3d.com/help/help-contact-us

  • TDBAGZTDBAGZ Posts: 165
    edited January 2020

    It looks like you nested the Timeline group INSIDE the Viewport by mistake. The Timeline Group Pane should cross even the Parameters (Right Side Pane Group) when open.

    Try Undocking the pane, resizing the pane, then redocking the pane (via Right Click the Pane Header/Ribbon),

    Try Turning the panes off and on with the "Menu/Window/Panes" dropdown,

    If all else fails, reset the workspace to one of the default options via "Menu/Windows/Workspace/Select Layout". You then can rebuild it to your liking and save your prefered new layout "Menu/Windows/Workspace/Save Layout As" for quick rebuild in case theres an error occurance in the future.

    Sidenote: Once the Timeline is set to your prefered size, just use the tabs to open and close the timeline, not the toggle switch as its too close to the resize bar and can also lead to dragging the Pane with the ribbon by accident easily.

    Post edited by TDBAGZ on
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