Four arms for Genesis.

in The Commons
What happened to it? I was searching today, and couldn't find it anywhere. Will it be back? Thanks.
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What happened to it? I was searching today, and couldn't find it anywhere. Will it be back? Thanks.
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This came up in another thread not that long ago - as far as we can tell, it's gone from the store and won't be back. It's a shame since there isn't an alternative like it (other than rendering with two figures and post-working to smooth the joints).
That PA, etujedi,left the store and all his products went with him. There were a number of other PAs products that used it as a base, like RawArt's Triclops and some really great Martians inspired by the Tharks from Edgar Rice Burroughs Mars books, but they've all been pulled as well since the base is gone. I got Four arms and Triclops before they vanished, but missed out on the Tharks, which is opne of the main reasons I try to buy the items that I really want rather than letting them languish on the wish llist and then some day suddenly be gone.
Thank you for your answer Cybersox and Silent Winter.
Thanks I had wondered at this as well. I've seen one artist doing his own star wars-y works, and his original character had four-arms included.
For me often it's even worse - i only ever find out about product i want to get AFTER it got delisted and disappeared.
Sometimes it's truely legendary ones, like Painter's Lights (lights set for iRay) or those colourful Bryce scenes "Powerful Atmospheres" by Estevez.
We really need it to come back.
Maybe you need it, but I don't. I hope that another PA makes a four-armed figure - I didn't like the old one too much and didn't buy it. The second pair of arms sat too low, and it had its own shoulders, which is not necessary and looks odd. Maybe this PA should have had a look at the myriads of four- or six- or ten-armed Hindu gods and goddesses. None of them has more than one pair of shoulders.
Durga, from Wikipedia:
Shoulders or not, it still irks me that I missed out on this one.
Can someone make something similiar? Perhaps for G2F or G3F.
There are a number of threads where the responces may be helpful (or not)