Coveralls- for Genesis/suitable for workmen/repairmen/space garb/prisoner

I'd love a suit of coveralls. These could be useful for M5/Genesis/V5
1. Repairmen
2. Prisoners
3. Space casual outfit.
Options could include:
1. Ability to roll up sleeves
2 Ability to add variety of patches to the front
I'd like them to be sort of looser than the standard skin tight painted on genesis clothing.
I'll second that request. I've been looking for something along the lines of the Old Blue NASA style coveralls. Support for the Generation 4 figures would be great, but could probably make do with M5,V5 if not.
For the prisoner, I think maybe the Short Order Cook for Genesis product would work.
Excuse the poor Photoshop job but if it might work if change the color of the pants.
Just an idea.
And if you need a long sleeve top, maybe Audacious for Defiant would work.
You're have to cut off the lower half (using an opacity image) but it could work if you remove any bump or displacement images and make it the solid orange jumper outfit color. (No, rolled up sleeves look, though).
Again, just an idea.