installing ... stupid question

Hi anyone ... I've downloaded many items from Daz but I'm having trouble locating/installing/using one of the animals I've downloaded. Is there anyone out there who does screen-share tutoring who might be willing to give me some time? I can't imagine it would take more than a few minutes ... would be happy to pay for an hour. Thanks!
we luv stupid questions.
which animal?
strategy will change depending if it's poser or daz content.
which animal?
a new duf one or legacy cr2?
I'd like to add my two cents:
I use DIM to install my stuff (I like that it does an auto-database)
In DIM, I find the item in the "Installed" tab: right-click > Show Installed Files
Data is just that, so ignore that. Look for what category it's in within the library you've installed it to. Some things are in Animals, some are in Runtime > Figures, etc.,
Animals! Especially my Wendy Kitty!!! :)
I think Dave forgot where he was posting
Hello Dave
My husband's name is Dave.......
(knock knock knock)
CHONG: Who is it?
CHEECH: Oh, what the hell is it... c'mon. Open up the door! It's Dave!
CHEECH: Dave! D-A-V-E! Will you open up the goddam door!
CHONG: Dave?
CHEECH: Yeah, Dave!
CHONG: Dave?
CHEECH: Right, man. Dave. Now will you open up the door?
CHONG: Dave's not here
as is mine... but my eldest son calls me Darve... 'cause someone at sometime in the distant past misspelt that on a card to me!
son's name is Michael so I call him Marve !
wacky hey... and you all thought I was all BS lol...
my brother is named David but I am the only one who calls him that
because my mother forbid me to say Dave and it stuck
everybody else calls him Dave or Davo
he introduces himself as Dave
Super Dave
I call mine Dai sometimes... Welsh thingy... but usually I call him David.
It's others who call him Dave, even in the family.
Darve and Marve.... sounds like a band duo!
Davo.... a cool name for a DAZ character!