dForce draping: Some work, others just "undulate" in place?

Stupid-new to dForce, and cannot figure out how to drape SOME dForce clothing/cloth items across props or even the floor.  Specifically, some dForce wardrobe items can be positioned over the top of the prop I want to drape across, run the simulation with the default simulation settings -- and the item "falls" under simlulated gravity and drapes over the prop beautifully.  Others simply "undulate" in place -- as if gravity did'nt exist: when the simulation is finished, the item is basically in the same position it started -- slightly deformed perhaps.

Does this mean that not all dForce items behave equally -- that some only simulate properly when colliding with a figure?  Or is there some non-default simulation setting that SOME dForce items to achieve the draping properties depicted in the basic dForce tutorial Daz publishes?




  • Some, perhaps most, items have areas thata re not dynamic - either surfaces with Dynamic Strength set to 0, or just vertices where an Influence Weights map is set to zero. Check the surfaces on the model that won't fall, if all of those have 100% Dyanmic Strength then you may need Create>New dForce Weight Node, then switch to the Node Weightmap Brush tool, in the Tool Settings pane make sure that Influence Weights is selected, right-click in the Viewport>Geometry Selection>Select All, right-click in the Viewport>Weight Editing>Fill Selected and enter a value of 100%. Of course the non-dynamic areas might be that way for more than just prevenmting wardrobe malfunctions, so be prepared for the simulation to go bad.

  • Thank-you Richard!  I'll be experimetning with these settings shortly. I was guessing the answer would sound something like this, given the complexities that must be in play to simulate.  Learning dForce is one of my next big hurdles if I want to move forward in my skill set. 

  • So the item I was having trougle with had a dynamic strength only set to 75%, which got me thinking: why not just adjust all the simulation settings at the surfaces tab to match something that DOES simulate properly against a prop?  Worked like a champ!  What I obviously need to do is learn what each of these settings do . . .   but again, thankyou!

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