Digital Art Live Daz Studio Fight Scenes the vital creative guide for tommorrow on sale 50% off

Good Day All
I just wanted to pass on the fact that it is on sale.
Although it indicates it is for DAZ Studio there is still good information for Carrara Users as well we just need to translate it into how we use our tools.
You’ll learn
Why a fight scene?
- Authenticity
- Character development
- Move the story forward
- Exposing flaws in characters
Building the tension
- First encounter of the protagonist/antagonist
- Setting the scene
- Establishing the danger levels
Location scouting and Props
- DAZ Studio scene example and reviews
- Fight props : review
- Western styles
- Eastern styles
- DAZ Studio Fight Pose set resources and reviews
In the midst of battle
- Use all the senses
- Keep it short
- Delete flowery language
Filming styles & Virtual Camera
- “Bullet time”, super hero and secret agent styles
- Camera placement
- Point of view
- Close ups
- Composition tips for fight scenes
Fight Scene Resolution
- Mental and Physical fallout
- The fight has finished : what’s the next hook for the reader?
Postwork Magic
- Energy/Magic based weapons
- Damage and dirt
- Injuries
- Breakables
- Point of impact