Changing Paint Weight Keys
I've set Daz up to use the default camera keys for Maya. In doing so, I've removed the shortcuts for the paint weight keys. Now, I can no longer subtract from paint weights.
I've tried several times to change the paint weight keys to other something other than "Alt", as I like being able to move around the scene as I've grown accustom to, but now the keybinds no longer work. Why can't we set up the paint weights to use the right mouse button or set it something similar to "A + LMB" or "S + LMB"?
It's very frustrating as a possible vendor to not set the tools up the way I would like.
Unfortunately this is apparently a limitation of Qt 3 - I asked the same, though my examples were using space+mouse to pan/dolly. We are, currently at least, limited to the actual modifier keys (alt/ctrl/shift), whether extending that will be a free change as they move to Qt5 or would require deliberate action by the developers I don't know.
Oh wow. That's extremely frustrating. I loathe how the cameras move in Daz and I finally got it working the way I'd like, but now I can't paint weights.
Of course, if I could just paint weights in Maya, problem solved. :P