Nvidia Iray viewport not worki…
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Nvidia Iray viewport not working properly

Hi guys,
When I activate Nvidia Iray in the viewport it shows only smooth shaded.
If I move within the viewport I am starting to get some renders but when the image should be stabilized I again get the smooth shaded view.
Any ideas what is happening and how I can make this work again?
What are your system specifications? Whata re your Draw Settings options for the Iray preview?
First of all, thank you for taking the time to help me!
My system specs: Ryzen 7 3600x, RTX 2070 Super, 32 GB Ram.
I've never had a problem with this before and I've done it plenty of times.
It just feels weird that if I start to pan the camera around in the viewport I am seeing something and when it stabilizes it goes to smooth shaded.
My draw settings below.
I also attached a screenshot of paning the camera.
I want to mention that the Iray viewport works in other scenes, it appears that just in this scene it doesn't for now.
What is different from the other scene, to the best of my knowledge, is the fact that in this new scene I am using dForce hair and I have done a few simmulations.
I don't think there's anyhting odd there, so I'm not sure why it is doing that. Which tool is active?
Node Selection.
This is killing me.
I have a series of scenes all starting from that first one and all act the same. It's so weird. I load my old scene everything is fine, I load any of the new ones, same behaviour.
If I hide the group the girl is in, the scene starts showing up in the render again. The hair itself isn't the problem as I showed it while the rest of the girl was hidden and it went ok.
Your system specs seem good. Nevertheless remember that hair tessellation can be heavy on iray preview. You may try to turn it off just to check if that's the issue.
I am having the same issue. When I render the scene, I can see it in Iray. Or when I move the scene it shows. But when I make modifications and the scene redraws without movement, it becomes smooth shaded again. Mine is not endimic to dForce sims and affects ALL of my scenes.