Romina HD

in The Commons
I just downloaded Romina and as usual I am impressed! I would love to know which hair is being used in the promo below:
Mousso indicated that the following hair was used in the promo but unless this is a modified version it doesn't appear to be one of the 3:
- Classic Long Hair with dForce for Genesis 8 Female(s)
- MEGA Updo Hair for Genesis 3 and 8 Female(s)
- Haydina Hair for Genesis 8 Female(s)
I have all three hair of course.
Perhaps this one:
Usually when vendors don't list an item they used in a promo, but have listed other items, it is due to the item not being sold through Daz. You could always try contacting Mousso and inquiring what hair was used in the promo.
Hi Kimh, that looks close I'll check it out. Thanks
Oh yeah, I will open a ticket to Mousso and see if I can do it that way. Thanks!
Hello. I'm glad you like Romina :)
Its Haydina hair. I just mirrored the mesh in Studio (X scale -100) and made it longer in zbrush.
She's a very attractive looking model, but her face seems to adopt sad/thoughtful/tragic emotions more easily than happy/joyful ones. Or, maybe it's just the way I see her... There is a back story it'd be interesting to fill in.
I had never thought of mirroring hair. Doh!
Awesome, I was wondering myself what hair that was as well. Thanks, Mousso, for clearing that up.
She's a fantastic character - I can't wait to do some renders with her. I usually only buy characters for textures, but I have to say, the morph on this one is what sold me!
Did you make a morph to make it longer or changed the geometry?
Ah thanks Mousso! quick -100 on x scale and GoZ into Zbrush and easy!
Ah thanks Mousso! quick -100 on x scale and GoZ into Zbrush and easy!
Sorry the the repeat posts.......keep forgetting how to post an image!
I was wondering about the hair also, so thanks for this thread.
Romina sure is nice, but then all of Mousso's gorls are!
Here Romina is with the dforce Double Dutch Braids hair
Does she have a visible seam on her neck or is that just the lighting?
edit, actually had a closer look and you are correct. I was playing with some settings and didn't match the face with the torso it seems. good thing it was a test render that i was able to fix, LOL
Ah ok. Nice render otherwise.
She's gorgeous. Simply gorgeous. An instant favourite in my library - thank-you Mousso!
Romina indeed is gorgeous, as are the other ladies of Mousso. So much they even have their own appreciation thread here.
You did great! Its easy to manage hair in zbrush. I do it all the time if I want a little different style :)
I'm so glad you like her! I was sitting on this product since last summer because I wasnt sure it will be well recieved. Beautiful render! Can I ask your light setup?
Your renders are always amazing. I still remember your Ai render. It blew me away what you did there
Thanks so much!
I think that one used a bit of a modified version of one of the setups from OutOfTouch's Dramatic Iray Lights. I'm not 100% sure, as that one I just kinda whipped up to test her out.
Hi Mousso,
first of all, thanks for Romina, she's just beautiful. Second, what Studio do you mean, 3D Studio Max or Daz Studio? How does it work with mirroring the mesh?
Best Regards,
Has there ever been one of Your figures that wasn't well received? I mean, there probably are some that sell better than others, but did anybody ever make a comment like "oh, well, that's some really ugly figure..."?
Mousso, I really love this girl. Chi Bedda (Che bella)!
Mousso, I really love this girl. Chi Bedda (Che bella)!
Ok, time for me to read up on how to post images......
Upload, as you have.
Double click the attached file/thumbnail, and it will open in a separate window. In its url, delete the part that says "thumbnail/". That makes it into a full size picture.
Next, copy the link of the picture so it is in your clipboard.
Go to the icon that looks like two mountains (top row of the posting window). Put the url on the top line. Then, below it, change the width to something smaller - 700 for example. Then post.
Thanks Thyranq! I love your render as well! She really is super hot!!
Beautiful render! She looks better than in my promos.
Hey Mousso, you made my day! Remember, its those fantastic renders and the beauty you create with your characters that get me to buy them! LOL
Mousso made it again -
So many to choose from ...