Mapping Substance Alchemist image files to DAZ Studio
Okay, this would be very helpful if people would take the time to detail out which image goes where.
Export from Substance material image names
Importable DAZ material image names
Diffuse Color
Diffuse Strength
Specular Color
Specular Strength
Ambient Color
Ambient Strength
Opacity Strength
Bump Strength
Displacement Strength
Normal Map
Reflection Color
Reflection Strength
Refraction Color
Refraction Strength
Which Substance Alchemist image gets loaded where in DAZ Studio? (I hope I did not leave anything out, if so please make corrections.)
As you can see it seems the same terms are not used across each program so loading the right image where become a bumpy landscape (pun)... :)
It would be helpful if someone would give a slight explanation of what each thing is and which image from Substance maps where in DAZ Studio.
If some are redundant then say, this image gets loaded to all of these parameters in DAZ or however you would like to explain this.
I am hoping that this thread will be the place where noobs (including myself) can come and get the info without looking all over the place.
I know there are tutorials that explain this, I bought one and the teacher spent the whole video making stuff in
Substance and then said oh, and you load the images into DAZ, they devoted less than a minute explaining how.
I am still glad I bought the tutorial because it introduced me to Adobe Substance which I had not heard of before.
Please everyone, offer your own unique experiences and tips pertaining to importing images and tweaking them in DAZ.
Please approach this from the perspective that someone does not know at all what goes where.
Be as exhaustive as you like in your explanation.
That looks like the Daz Default Shader for 3Delight, rather than the Iray Uber Base - the latter is closer in naming, and more what the tool is aiming at. Diffuse would take the base, height could go in displacement, AO and Metalicity are not needed here. Roughness would probably go in Glossiness or Reflection Strength, though you might need to invert it. I'm not sur about Specular Level - you could try it in Glossiness instead of roughtness.
material_ambientOcclusion - This is redundant, don't need this. You don't need to fake ambient occlusion is a pathtracing/raytracing engine. Only needed for games.
material_baseColor - Albedo/Diffuse/BaseColor maps can be interchangeable, depends on whether you export it out of a spec/gloss or metal/roughness workflow (specular workflow gives out a diffuse map with muted colors that requires the spec/gloss maps for the specific reflectivity and reflection color values to be defined). If you worked in metal/roughness and exported without converting anything, then it should be fine.
material_height - Essentially a displacement map
material_metallic - named either metalness, metallicity or 'metallic' in whatever render engine.
material_normal - simply a Normal map
material_opacity - also known as Alpha/Translucency map.
material_roughness - Goes into roughness strength/reflection strength, can also be inverted and plugged into 'glossiness' if you don't want to re-export properly.
material_specularLevel - You don't need this unless you're using the spec/gloss workflow. It's the "Specular Strength" input and it needs a specular color, glossiness maps and a diffuse map to work properly.
Like Richard has mentioned before, the PBR texture maps can be used in any render engine as long as you put them in correctly, doesn't matter what you're working in, 3DL or Iray.
Essentially for a PBR Metal/Rough (the most common) workflow you need: BaseColor, Roughness, Metallicity, Normal and perhaps a height map for extra displacement. Nothing else.
WOW! These comments are very helpful! Thank you for taking the time to respond Richard and Zmk!
I know I will have a few more questions but this is a big help!
Happy to help if you have any more questions, I'll try to check the thread once in a while :)