Try to export Animation with morph,
Hi all
I'm new about animations, i have a simple walk animation (attachment1), when i try to export with morph checked, the animation looks like corrupted with ugly animation (attachment2). exporting with morph not checked theanimation looks nike normal. The morph rules are in attachment 3.
anybody can help me to understand? I'm using AniMate Lite
Thanks to all!
917 x 652 - 151K
481 x 491 - 100K
825 x 644 - 67K
Hi fballante
Although it sounds counter-intuitive, you need to uncheck the morphs, then your animation will export correctly and any "morph" used for the character will be baked
they want to use one of those SKAmotion walks with the bouncy boobs and butts
I found they behave differently to other animations in FBX breaking it, it's something specific to those animations