[Released] OsoDreamer's FelineFolk

Whew! Three months of work, and here it is, right on my birthday! Yay!
Claws on hands and feet are independent shapes, so you can bring them into other figures. The tail is a separate prop, so you can adjust it's location, easily put it on other figures, and heck, if you want 7 tails, go for it.
Iris shape, also independent, to give a more animal-looking eye. Again, you can use this with many other figures.
Both Oso Fur and dForce Hair options. Or, for a more animated style, skip the hair/fur completely.
The Addon products include more skins, and also extra options for moving the ears.
If you wish to use textures from another product, simply put the relevant maps in the fur surfaces. Note that textures tend to be darker going from the figure to fur, so you may want to adjust the skin darker or fur texture lighter.
Another issue for clothed figures is trying to keep fur from clipping through clothes. There are two approaches:
1) Render the image with and without fur, then bring into a photo editor as two layers and carefully composite them. This is the fastest, most straight-forward method, but there are situations where it won't work well.
2) Create a mask template so that 'where the clothes are' is black and everything else is white, then put these templates in the fur's surface parameter: 'PS Generated Hair Scale'
This will essentially 'shrink away' the fur is under the clothes. Note that this will only work for some furs; those using Target Surface (which is probably most of them), and also fur that isn't already using a map in PS Generated Hair Scale.
How do you make a mask template? Easiest way: put the clothes on the figure, File > Export. Then bring it into one of a number of programs and bake Ambient Occlusion. AO masks rely essentially on 'surfaces being near other surfaces', which is what we want. You'll have to adjust the levels a bit to get a clean mask, and maybe paint out some bits (like fingers will often occlude one another, so... paint that white)
I used Substance Painter. If you do the same, be sure to unclick 'ignore back faces' because otherwise it will ignore the effect of the inside of clothing, which isn't helpful.
Anyhow, enjoy!
Lovely product. Was going to wishlist but it went straight to the cart instead.
Congrats with catpeople and birthday - awesome work
I've got a quick question about the tail, I've bought a couple other cat people for a good tail, but they all have a base that attaches to the small of the back and has it's own surface texture that messes with renders. Since this tail is a separate prop does it have a base that attaches to the torso with it's own surface texture or is it just a free prop that parents to the lower back?
It's a free prop parented to the pelvis. The base is locked so that you can use IK, but you can unlock it and move it wherever you want. You want 7 tails arranged up the spine? Go for it! Tails coming out of the mouth? Go for it! (eew)
But I specifically wanted people to be able to adjust where the tail comes from.
The problem with tails is that real life creatures with tails have substantial differences in the hips and surrounding area than, say, humans. With Oso Otter I took this head on and made some very big adjustments. If you look at Oso Otters, the legs are set far apart on a very wide hip, to accommodate the tail.
On a more human-like figure, the issue is that for tails to be placed like a regular animal, the tail would have to be inset into the body in a way that doesn't really work well as a contiguous figure.
Or, to sum up, there are three solutions:
Make the anthro more animal-like, which then makes it look kind of weirdly different from humans (Oso Otter approach)
Place the tail higher up in a way that works more fluidly with a human form (approach many other products have taken)
Keep the tail separate so that it's essentially clipping a lot but looks decent in renders (this is the approach in FelineFolk)
Drawings have the advantage of essentially the third approach; you can more easily draw stuff that doesn't 'work' realistically because you can hide and adjust lines. Consider, say, a superhero logo that always looks clean and neat on a chest. But realistically... either it's like a tshirt logo and going to bend and look weird from the side, or it's a big solid piece that doesn't merge cleanly with a soft outfit.
So many folks into anthros are sort of primed for figures that don't quite work realistically.
And bought! Many thanks for your hard work.
I hope you score big and have one incredible Birth Day celebration with your love ones today and for the next years to come.
I posted gushing praise in the Commons thread already, but figured this was the better place to ask about any additional texture and morph packs. I know you posted that other texture sets could be used, but I have to wonder if the tail textures for those sets witll match up, (assuming that they even have one.)
No, you'd have to wing the tail somehow. I'd start with the default light silver tail, then color it until it looks consistent with the changed texture. Assuming the tail/body transition is out of sight, it should work.
Hmm. Think I'll whip up some examples.
It's not easy adapting other textures. The key demands for skin and fur:
Fur map needs to be substantially lighter than skin map for the two to match. If the skin/fur is supposed to be on the dark side, you can probably manage this by simply darkening the skin. Otherwise you need a separate lighter fur map. And, ideally, the skin is even darker than that, to kind of serve as a backdrop for the fur and not be overly visible through the fur.
Because the other factor is I've carefully selected parameters to make the fur not murder most machines; dForce hair has a Line Tessellation. Tessellation 1 creates ribbons that autoface the camera. Tessellation 2 creates ribbons that are arranged more consistently. T1 can create a fuller effect, but lighting can be weird across it. T2 is more realistic looking, but can look sparser, because some hairs are seen edge-on. Tessellation 3 is the most realistic, because you end up with actual shapes with three sides. However, 3 sides means you are rendering 3x as many polygons, which, for fur covering an entire figure... can be hard.
Hair density and thickness plays into both. Thicker/coarser hairs can more nicely cover a surface, but can look weird. Higher hair density is great, but, again, murder on the machine.
Right now these factors are ballanced: the skin is dark enough and rough enough not to obviously show through the fur; the fur is dense enough to produce an obvious covering and cool edge, but not so dense it's excessive; density and thickness and line tessellation create a solid effect.
IF you have a very high end machine, consider changing Tessellation to 3 and increasing the hair density. Good luck. ;)
This took a bit of work, but it shows it's DOABLE.
This is the cheetah maps from https://www.daz3d.com/cat-world-for-genesis-8-male-s
The tail uses the tortie map from https://www.daz3d.com/osodreamers-felinefolk-for-genesis-8-male-addon
I did Tessellation 3 to make it look neater, and did a with fur/without fur render to composite the pants in.
Also took a bunch of tweaking to get stuff to look right, but one thing that helps is that the Cat World maps have a regular color map and a lighter 'translucency' map.
Considering the number of toes are different and so on, I think it came out decently!
Omg, FINALLY proper claws as morphs and not geocrafts!
Picked up the G8F version, loving it.
I'm VERY proud of the claws. It took a lot of work and came out really nicely (if I may toot my own horn (toot)).
It also plays mostly nicely with other nail modifications from other shapes, which was something you worry about with morphs.
Demonstrating using some of the shapes separately (here, big iris and claws on an otherwise human looking figure)
(Alexandria 8, Veronna hair, Bell sleeve dress, Babina vellus hair)
Oh, and I don't know if anyone noticed, but there is a 3Delight set of materials for the male and female. It's only one color each, but it should provide a good starting point.
Unfortunately because of the way dForce Hair works, the hair is all one color. But it should still look cool.
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday, here is my use of the claws.
Happy Belated Birthday
Got it yesterday and played a little with this today. Had a wierd glitch with the fur, but I think that was caused by me trying to import some of the Anatomy features onto the already existing figure. After clearing it all out and restarting, and NOT repeating what I had done, it looks clean.
I have a lot of stuff for G8, so things like setting the hands to 4-finger and feet to 4-toed worked (although I had to adjust their maximum values to well over 100%). I also found a leonine tail tuft, adjusted the base colors of one of Oso's provided textures, and now I'm getting very close to a passable M'Ress! I just need to find a decent leonine-like mane to put on her (actually trying to use a lion's mane ended up as a barfable exercise--I'm certain I could've made it work if that particular prop had working scaling dials).
Unfortunately, my boss (the wife) came by and I had to shut DAZ down before I could render a picture of my progress. Looking good, so far.
Hey, Redfern! Where'd you get that mane you're using for your avatar??
Asked on other thread, but repeatsing for here:
The options under Materials are intended for use with standard figure with dForce Hair. It's a Hierarchical material, which will change the figure's materials, the tail, and the fur on each.
OsoFur materials are intended if you are using FelineFolk OsoFurred. It does basically the same thing, but it will change the geoshell with OsoFur on it, not dForce Hair.
Finally, Skin only affects the figure and tail, not any fur attached to it. (This might be convenient if you want to experiment with different fur and skin combinations)
Happy late birthday...!
I was really happy to see your cat pople, and they were instant-buy. Buuuut.... I have a question regarding the tail. First of all, between the various presets, the tail loads several times.
There's one version that loads with OsoFur, but no dforce fur, and when I try adding the dforce fur, it adds another tail... Which is all fine if you are aiming for nine-tailed cat-people.
Also, regarding 3DL, there's just one preset for grey, is that correct? There's no preset for the other colours?
Hope you don't dislocatate your shoulder patting yourself on the back, cause those claws are seriously great. :)
So this kitty is a mix of pretty much every catgirl released for G8F.
Pretty proud of it.
Yes, only one 3DL preset. Mainly as a starting point to make your own stuff.
Note that at present there's no way to color dForce Hair like the other fur in 3DL, so it has to be one solid color (although I think it's mapped along each hair, so if you put a color gradient that should do root to tip effect)
That's okay. I was having a problem with the tails mostly, at the moment.
You want to add a osofur or regular character.
Since the tail is a prop with its own layers, other approaches ended up being really messy.
Hm. For some odd reason the hair on my cat won't change colors. I'm clicking on the "tabby" preset but it is staying the default gray. Any tips?
What is your install method?
There was an update for a tabby preset you may not have.
Hi Oso,
I have the same issue. I use install manager.
Yes, Install Manager.
Just checked all the presets and they are working fine on my install (actually, reinstall!). Please contact customer support!
I was looking at the tiger character that released yesterday, and I noticed something... Though they appear similar, exterinally, it's an entirely different species from the Oso-Dreamer cat folk. You can tell from the teeth that the OsoDreamer cat person is evolved from carnivore ancestors, while the rakasha is evolved from frugivores. ;)
Thank you for the amazing attention to detail, in both :) You could use the feline folk teeth for Rakash, right? My system is all tied up with a render right now, so I can't check - is that the "add-ons" object?
Do you know if anyone's done a good angry feline ears-back morph yet? Or is there one included that I haven't looked for in the right place yet?