Texture details are lost
I am rendering a scene in Daz3D, and I notice that the texture is sronger and more visible in the viewport; however, in the render, it gets washed out. Also, the eyes are too glosy. I tried to reduce the values of refeletiveness and glossy through the sliders but it did not work out.
The ground, I think, is because in the render the map is tiled - it isn't meant to be as coarse as the preview, though you can chnage that by adjusting the surface or - if this uses the Iray Uber Base sahder - image tiling settings.The cloth texture isn't tiled, but it is I think a lower-resolution preview and the downsampling is generating Moire fringes with the actual pattern of the fabric, producing broader variations that aren't in the base maps - I'm not aware of a way to readily reproduce that.
Ok I figured it out:
Also check the Glossy Layered Weight setting in the shader. It's often set to 1 which in many cases is too high. The gloss, combined with a high roughness setting as this ground material is bound to have, creates a white-ish/greyish sheen that makes it look washed out. Lower the Glossy Layered Weight and see if you like that better.
The pixel filter size (1,5) is turning your image blurry. Don't really need it that high unless you're getting aliasing artifacts on edges.
For the washed-out texures: Make sure you're not messing up your gamma anywhere on the texture map inputs (or the other settings?). It kind of looks like it's being put through unnecessary gamma corrections.