[WIP] Carractor: new plugin for human based animation of digital character

Lately, I came across this open source project: OpenFace V2
As far as I can tell, this is by far the most advanced face recognition and analysis package available for free. This is a project of the CMU Multicomp Lab, one of the University leaders in the field (remember the CMU Mocap that were the hype a few years ago ? ).
This project takes a picture or a video as input, processes it thoughtfully and output a file containing head pose estimation relative to the camera, gaze direction, facial landmarks in 3D coordinates and action units evaluation.
So, as the result of the analysis was easily readable and that the product was somehow designed to be interfaced, I decided to create a new plugin for Carrara.
The idea was to use all those results to animate characters using image or video without markers.
Technical issues
The first issue I encountered was that the parameter Tab for figures was not reacheable through the SDK. The SDK was released with C8.1 and the parameter Tab was redone in C8.5 with the introduction of Genesis.
The only way to overcome that was to create a DUF file and import it back. An unexpected benefit was that the DUF file generated can be imported in Studio.
looking forward to pulling faces in front of my webcam with a much younger and far prettier mesh than mine
Some examples
As per PhilW, I think you should cash in with Daz3D when you can get the Studio version working the way you want. His comment was in a different thread, I think. Very impressive.
I cannot do that. Here is an extract of the licence agreement:
Important points from the license:
It means I won't be able to bundle OpenFace with the plugin. You'll have to download it yourself and unzip it at a particular place.It will be your responsability to use it according to the licence.
I'm not sure I can sell a commercial product interfacing OpenFace without buying a commercial licence. Living in Europe, I'd rather not try to proove my point in a American court.
wow yeah that's a bit rich
fully understand and thanks for working out a way for us to use this
This sounds Really cool!!!
So if I'm reading this correctly, I should be able to video record Rosie while she's doing her lines to pluck facial recognition from for use in her 3d persona.
...and I don't have to but a markersuit setup or iClone 3d Xchange Pipeline... I'm in!!!
Hey Philemo, I Love You, Man!!!
we can always donate a bit with this kind of open-source model, right?
- you know, beer money of sorts...
cheers, and thanks for taking this on - it looks *very* cool!
Anihead, it only moves the head
wow Philemo, just wow - a genius you are
it can pose a character from a video?
is this for face rigged characters?
this would be good too for speaking characters? instead of mimic
Yes, yes and yes
I'll try to post a video soon
the implications are staggering!
omg looks so much better than mimic
that's a wow again Philemo!
Second test. Improving, but still not good enough.
it's impressive. hugh's face does a lot of motion.
i'd be curious how wolverine would translate.
Philippe, je t'adore !
Seriously, this is going to be such a wonderful addition to Carrara. I can't wait to have a play. Will we be able to specify a set of morphs on our own models to animate. Can we, please, please, please
Yes. Same principle as Mimic. A folder with configuration files.
i dreaming for this. excited for a lively aiko 3.
aiko heart
so glad it doesn't need an iPhone too
I just saw this on youtube
french software.not very cheap
Facial motion capture test. Dynamixyz+Daz Studio (Iray)
I was thinking with all this Covid19 stuff people are going to have to communicate virtually so facial captures will come in handy as most want an attractive alternative to their real faces on video too.
I real boon for animators - thank you Phil !!!
I'm understandiing your demo videos made by running a video on the screen ? Any cameras involved ?
Are animations captured as keyframes with access to the Carrara editing tools as usual ? Save as clips etc. ?
any news on this?