problem with arm morph
Posts: 386
hello guys....i have this arm issue when i compine brute with another character...
any idea what it could be?
thanks in advance
1908 x 900 - 680K
It looks lika rigging adjustment/JCM conflict of some kind, is the other shape also a Daz product?
yes!!! also its happening to all characters...for example helios this normal with the current settings for arm?
any ideas on how to fix this ore reset the jcm morphs?
Please put the viewport into smooth shaded mode before taking a screen shot of a nude figure.
If it's affecting even the base with no sahpes applied then it isn't an issue with those shapes, it's a JCM that should be linked to a shape but isn't. Try Edit>Figure>Zero>Zero Figure, then apply the minimum bend to show the issue. In the Parameters pane option menu (the lined button in the top corner, or right-click the tab) set Show Hidden Properties to on. Now look through the Currently used group, with the figure selected, and see which proeprties are non-zero - if you find one try manually setting it to zero and see if that fixes the issue, if not try the next non-zero property. Once you find the culprit please post its label.
Thanks Richard..will try that and let you know what happened....
richard hi!! i wasnt able to solve the issue...please this the appropriate screen? i got lost on the directions...
Edited to update image
That shows the possible culprits, now that I've edited it since you hadn't put the Viewport in Smooth Shaded mode. Now, are any of those morphs showing non-zero n the Parameters pane with Show Hidden on?
Richard im sorry not sure where to look... this is m8 hd with just a twist on the problematic area...are these values correct?
Yes, like that but with the figure itself selected.
it was this one!!! but why???? do i have to do it every time now?
ok...the problem was a problematic morph from swole8 from simon ...... Jesus....dont they look into it when they make these???
Make sure your copy is up-to-date and if it is please make a bug report.