Camera positions and keyframes
in New Users
I have adjusted the camera position for the different key frames in my animation. Now I want to keep only one of the camera positions and apply it to all the keyframes, so that the camera doesn't move during the animation. What would be the easiest way to do it?
Ideally I want the key frames to not store camera information. Is there a setting for this? Or I want to copy and paste the camera parameters from one key frame to the next. I tried selecting the camera parameters in the Parameters pane, select copy from the menu, then pasting them to a different key frame, but nothing happens.
Save a Camera preset for the frame you want to keep, then with the Camera select use the Edit>Object>Clear Animation Data menu and if necessary reapply the preset.
Onlt the Poerspective and orthogonal views are not tracked, and those are also no saved or undoable.
Richard to the rescue again, thanks, worked fine!
I'm curious though, what is the purpose of the copy and paste function of parameters? Would be handy if I could just copy those values from one key frame and paste them into a different key frame (see picture).
Should work, though I can't recall if it will ignore multiple keys and just use the current one (optionally or by default).
Couldn't manage to get it to work. But I found another way: the memorize/restore function. Select a camera in the Scene pane. Open the Parameters pane, and open its menu. Select Memorize / Memorize Selected Item(s) pose. Then move to a different keyframe, use the same menu and select Restore.