EmmaAndJordiEmmaAndJordi Posts: 952
edited March 2014 in Daz PA Commercial Products

She is released just now, 40% off as part of March Madness, and punch worthy! :)

This is our new character Niebla. She comes with a set of claw rings included, that have a variety of metals and precious stones to customize them. She also has fancy body painting and makeups.

She's an elven character but can also be used for casual as you see in the promos.

Hope you like her! :)

1000 x 1300 - 807K
1000 x 1300 - 915K
1000 x 1300 - 888K
1000 x 1300 - 857K
1000 x 1300 - 807K
Post edited by EmmaAndJordi on


  • Muon QuarkMuon Quark Posts: 564
    edited December 1969

    Is this character for Genesis2 Female?


  • EmmaAndJordiEmmaAndJordi Posts: 952
    edited December 1969

    Is this character for Genesis2 Female?


    OMG we didn't say! Yes it's for Genesis 2 Female :)

  • EmmaAndJordiEmmaAndJordi Posts: 952
    edited December 1969

    Here you can see more images of her :)

    1000 x 1300 - 707K
    1000 x 1300 - 867K
    1000 x 1300 - 776K
    1000 x 1300 - 926K
  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited March 2014

    I like that her markings are whiter than her skin. Gives the impression of scarification as opposed to tattoo ink. I may attempt a custom bump map to get the markings to puff a bit like scars would.

    Post edited by Lissa_xyz on
  • EmmaAndJordiEmmaAndJordi Posts: 952
    edited December 1969

    Vaskania said:
    I like that her markings are whiter than her skin. Gives the impression of scarification as opposed to tattoo ink. I may attempt a custom bump map to get the markings to puff a bit like scars would.

    We did some effect to look like it bumps a little, but if you like you can put the same texture of the bodypaint as bump map, and as it is white, it may work to bump too :) It would be so great when you do a render, if you can show us! We will love it! :)

  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited December 1969

    Gladly! Just need to release her. lol ;)

  • EmmaAndJordiEmmaAndJordi Posts: 952
    edited December 1969

    Vaskania said:
    Gladly! Just need to release her. lol ;)

    Will be very soon! :)

  • Muon QuarkMuon Quark Posts: 564
    edited December 1969

    Is this character for Genesis2 Female?


    OMG we didn't say! Yes it's for Genesis 2 Female :)

    No worries.

  • TenmaruTenmaru Posts: 105
    edited December 1969

    Can Claw Ring be used on Genesis 2 Males as well ?

  • EmmaAndJordiEmmaAndJordi Posts: 952
    edited December 1969

    Can Claw Ring be used on Genesis 2 Males as well ?

    They can be used on Genesis 2 Male too, we have tested. As each claw ring is an individual prop, it can be possible to put them on other figures. We have fine-tuned the translate and scale dials so they can be adjusted with precision.

    To put them on the hands of Genesis 2 Male you have to move each claw ring using translate and scale up a little the claw ring. The center of the scale is aligned with the center of geometry so it is easy.

    To not having to re-do this every time you want to use them on Genesis 2 Male, you can make a folder and save Pose Presets inside for each finger. Next time you can load all the claw rings, and apply the pose presets for each one :)

  • silvia365silvia365 Posts: 27
    edited December 1969

    Beautiful ;-) but please what hair is this with the flowers in the
    first Picture ?

  • FistyFisty Posts: 3,416
    edited December 1969

    To not having to re-do this every time you want to use them on Genesis 2 Male, you can make a folder and save Pose Presets inside for each finger. Next time you can load all the claw rings, and apply the pose presets for each one :)

    Faster way - instead of saving 10 pose presets select G2M and save as wearable preset, make sure all ten rings are checkmarked but none of the other stuff he may be wearing at the time. =)

  • EmmaAndJordiEmmaAndJordi Posts: 952
    edited December 1969

    silvia365 said:
    Beautiful ;-) but please what hair is this with the flowers in the
    first Picture ?

    The hair is ours too! :) It is called Bloomingwood Hair, and will be soon in the store too ;)

  • EmmaAndJordiEmmaAndJordi Posts: 952
    edited December 1969

    Fisty said:
    To not having to re-do this every time you want to use them on Genesis 2 Male, you can make a folder and save Pose Presets inside for each finger. Next time you can load all the claw rings, and apply the pose presets for each one :)

    Faster way - instead of saving 10 pose presets select G2M and save as wearable preset, make sure all ten rings are checkmarked but none of the other stuff he may be wearing at the time. =)

    Thank you very much for the tip Fisty! :)

  • silvia365silvia365 Posts: 27
    edited December 1969

    Wooow great I wait :-)

    Thanks for the quick answer, have a nice day :)

  • EmmaAndJordiEmmaAndJordi Posts: 952
    edited December 1969

    silvia365 said:
    Wooow great I wait :-)

    Thanks for the quick answer, have a nice day :)

    Yay! Thank you! :)

  • EmmaAndJordiEmmaAndJordi Posts: 952
    edited December 1969

    Hi! "Niebla And Claw Rings" is released just now, 40% off as part of March Madness, and punch worthy! :)

  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited March 2014

    Gorgeous girl. Here's my first render with her. Haven't played with the bump mapping at all yet.

    Credits: Forest Dryad- Mada/Thorne/Sarsa, Enchanted Island- ArtCollab, Wild Orchid Hair- Goldtassel/Propschick, Idiko Dancer- SWAM/Goldtassel, Ecomantics- DimensionTheory, Adv Ambient Lights & Presets- AgeofArmour/DimensionTheory, LDP-R (dome)- Dreamlight

    DS4.6, PhotoshopCS6, Niktools

    1000 x 1294 - 796K
    Post edited by Lissa_xyz on
  • EmmaAndJordiEmmaAndJordi Posts: 952
    edited December 1969

    Vaskania said:
    Gorgeous girl. Here's my first render with her. Haven't played with the bump mapping at all yet.

    Credits: Forest Dryad- Mada/Thorne/Sarsa, Enchanted Island- ArtCollab, Wild Orchid Hair- Goldtassel/Propschick, Idiko Dancer- SWAM/Goldtassel, Ecomantics- DimensionTheory, Adv Ambient Lights & Presets- AgeofArmour/DimensionTheory, LDP-R (dome)- Dreamlight

    DS4.6, PhotoshopCS6, Niktools

    OMG This is awesome! Looks fantastic with that wild look, and great attention to details! Thank you so much for showing us! When you post another please show us!

  • mrposermrposer Posts: 1,131
    edited December 1969

    Great looking render Vaskania... nice combination of elements works very well together! I have Niebla in my cart .. hopefully she makes my final cut as my total $$ is a little high today.....and I also found the Forest Dryad vines in my runtime (for V4 but can autofit)

  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited December 1969

    Thanks guys. :)

    MrPoser: The forest dryad outfit autofits nicely, and for the crown prop, it's default position is pretty spot on, I just had to scale it up a tad. During autofit I used full body for the main suit, pants for the leg vines and shirt for the necklace. IIRC there's an arm cuff in there as well that I also used shirt on.

  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421
    edited March 2014

    I'd be genuinely interested in a pack of claw rings. Especially if for both genders and in several styles. Or even taloned metal gauntlets (could be used for science-fiction and mediaeval art).

    Post edited by Xenomorphine on
  • nemesis10nemesis10 Posts: 3,501
    edited December 1969

    Love her!

    1507 x 1286 - 2M
  • EmmaAndJordiEmmaAndJordi Posts: 952
    edited December 1969

    MrPoser said:
    Great looking render Vaskania... nice combination of elements works very well together! I have Niebla in my cart .. hopefully she makes my final cut as my total $$ is a little high today.....and I also found the Forest Dryad vines in my runtime (for V4 but can autofit)

    Thank you very much MrPoser! :) Also will love to see the renders! :)

  • EmmaAndJordiEmmaAndJordi Posts: 952
    edited December 1969

    I'd be genuinely interested in a pack of claw rings. Especially if for both genders and in several styles. Or even taloned metal gauntlets (could be used for science-fiction and mediaeval art).

    We don't know when but maybe we do something like that ;)

  • EmmaAndJordiEmmaAndJordi Posts: 952
    edited December 1969

    nemesis10 said:
    Love her!

    Wow! Looks amazing! We love fantasy scenes! And we see you put our Dangling Circlets and Elven Necklaces! Thank you very much! :)

  • EmmaAndJordiEmmaAndJordi Posts: 952
    edited December 1969

    Just remember that today is the last day Niebla is 40% off and gets +1 punch! :)

  • RenpatsuRenpatsu Posts: 828
    edited December 1969

    Just returned from an internet-less holiday so she is in my wishlist for now as I am counting on a catch-up sale in the end :)

    She looks really gorgeous and love the combination with the claw rings and her tattoos. Anyway, looking forward to her and she'll end up in my cart for sure :) I grew rather fond of your characters and accessories :)

  • EmmaAndJordiEmmaAndJordi Posts: 952
    edited December 1969

    Renpatsu said:
    Just returned from an internet-less holiday so she is in my wishlist for now as I am counting on a catch-up sale in the end :)

    She looks really gorgeous and love the combination with the claw rings and her tattoos. Anyway, looking forward to her and she'll end up in my cart for sure :) I grew rather fond of your characters and accessories :)

    Reading this is so great! Thanks a lot for your support, it means a lot for us :)

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