I need hide/show functionality for G8F Arms,Torso,Eyes,Head,Neck,Legs,Glutes,Hip,Shins,Feet,Hands.

I need to be able to instantly hide and show body part groups. For example, if I only want G8F's arms to be visible. I'd like to run a script that hides everything except arms, or hides everything except torso, or hides everything except legs, or hides everything except shins, or simple shows all, returning body part visibility to default state.

Has anyone made functionality like this already that works from the content library? 

Clicking around in the scene window takes too long.  I don't want to have to select all, de-select arms, set visible to on or off, that's too much work and too slow. I need instantenous functionality for hide and show of G8F's body parts.

I'm sure one of you guys have conquered this problem :) I'll eventually figure something out, but I'm still new to DAZ.


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