Logo on Glass?

DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

Okay, I'm REALLY hoping this is possible but I'm hitting a wall on everything I've tried. What I'm doing is taking a dace studio and sort of changing it into a Martial Arts Studio. The front windows don't seem to have their own maps. What I'd like to do is have a Ying Yang on the window like it's painted on. It doesn't have to be see through but I don't want a solid plane in the window either. I tried LIE but like I said, the glass doesn't seem to have it's own map so I used a plane and added a layer and as you can see, it works okay on the left but not at all on the right. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can pull off this effect?

949 x 534 - 108K
827 x 356 - 57K


  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    I presume by 'not own map' you mean that the surface for the window also includes other things, such as frame, etc., etc.)  You could either use geometry editor to select the window area and assign it to a new surface, then set that to be Iray glass and then LIE to add the logos, or you may be able to set the logso to be Iray decals and 'project' them onto the glass.

  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

    Thanks Simon. I tried the Decal thing and didn't get any results. I made sure that the window was within the boundry box but alas, no joy. I'm curious about the Geometry editor option. I know how to select the surface but what do I do then? I tried Youtubing it but nothing seemed to be applicable to this.

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    The decal wil only show with a render, not in preview (unless it is in Iray preview mode).

    There are better how-tos out there, but in essence:

    Select the item in scene tab that contains the gemoetry/surface in question.

    Activate the Gemoetry editor tool (Tools> Geomotry editor or Alt-Shift-G)

    Right-click on the surafce and from the pop-up menu you will be able to pick Selection Type and selection Mode.  You'll want Polygon selection as Type, and, probalyDrag selection as type)

    What you see when you select will, to a degree depend on how dense the mesh is (try a wireframe view to ge an idea)

    Easiest way is to click on one polygon then use Ctrl-+ to expand the selction - with luck you will see the polygons selected turn yellow..

    You can do this but by bit, if need be, but - with a/your selction right-click again, pick Gemotery Assignment (bototm option)> Create Surface from Selected (make sure you ick that option, not 'just' the one above which is Create Surface).  Give the new Surface a name.

    If you wnat/need to add more ploygons to that surface, repeat the selection process and use the Gemoetry SAssignmet> Assign to Surafce option, and pick the new surface you have created.

    When done, go to the SUrfaces tab amd .. apply the Iray shader (if not already there, then make it a glass shader, add a logo via LIE, etc.

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