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Of course they will wait at bus stops! Thats my best environment.
Yep, never a truer example of a situation when saying it best would have been to say nothing at all.
DOH! I did it again!
just change the title to "here be cat memes" or something, than it serves at least a good purpose :D
I like what you did with the pumpkin, but I feel the whole thing with the penguin is rather sacrilegious... maybe if it was riding a unicycle, but the whole thong thing was a little too much... that and the cow riding a mechanical bull... I get the irony and the reference to William Blake's "The Voice Of The Ancient Bard", but to have it wearing a contemporary outfit that's not even closely representative of a cheese miner's heritage is kind of difficult to contemplate... Overall I feel a little sad when I see that, but then I notice the little hamster in the background, the way he's holding that flamethrower and giving those pineapples the business, that gives me hope... but then you dash that hope with your choice of upholstery on the Fauteuil and Davenport, neither of which covey the angst and jiggy post-knobism that one might expect from such lumpish neo-rococo haberdashery brandished by the capybara sitting there.
I almost cried, but it was near lunch time and I was so hungry from your liberal use of pork chops instead of traditional foliage on the trees, instead I just ate a nice eel fondue sandwich while marveling at your palet of colors and the subliminal inclusion of Marx's manifesto on the corruption of the toilet paper cartels, cleverly hidden in the background.
I think if I had to sum up my feelings on this work I would have to say banana... definitely or more possibly pomegranate.
Thank you.
Got it... Bookmarked it for future exploitation.
reminds me that Studio once again forgot my style customizations.. for no apparent reason..
Far be it from me to remind @McGyver that calling out an OP's use of pork chops in a bungled thread is strictly against the TOS. You have been warned.
sorry Dead Fred the Thread
I never knew you
but I am sure you were a nice person and had loved ones
I will miss my grandmother forever. Oh wait this is not the thread to talk about dead relatives, right?
A feeling that in the future this will be the only scene that will fit in my 1050's 4 gigs of video ram...
Oh I found out a Mod found this necromanced thread.
I like that Necromancy image, reminds me of Jaderail on the Unseelie Throne
It hearkens back to a time when the girls were younger, in chainmail underwear and high heels, but careful to cover their shoulders because they didn't want to appear indecent. They would go on to wait for that bus for quite some time. Many metaphysical foes were slain. That bus eventually came, but they couldn't simply get on the bus. For this was the beginning of the Great Debate over whether the bus should be bendy or... not bendy. They would be able to fit both buses if only they had enough video ram. But with those shoulder covers, they did not. It's not like this is based on a true story or anything,
Dead threads are like villains in action movies... you do not merely watch them fall off the edge into oblivion and assume they are gone... you toss a dozen pin-less hand grenads down after them... then when you get down to the bottom, you collect the parts, set them on fire, sweep up the ashes and mix them with concrete, take the block of hardened concrete, drop it in more concrete and drop the bigger block in the middle of the ocean.
Then there is only a 60% chance you'll be seeing them again.
I think villains have a necromancy spell that the heroes are too afraid to use.
Hand grenades and concrete are easier to use... too much schooling and studying in spellwork.
I actually had to do this once. So far, so good. ;)
...kind of like the Ignore This Thread thread. Just when you think it finally gave up because it was ignored for a while, it pops back up again.
This is not the thread you are looking for? Are you sure?
No, I am your Father .... Fred
And heaving boosums! Don't forget the heaving boosums ... and the spewing of chunks.
I'm sorry. Hope I didn't disturb anyone.
(These people are disturbed enough without my help)
oops I fell asleep, I think.
I was looking for two droids who seem to be in contentious, but fairly committed relationship... none of the stormtroopers seem to know what I'm talking about and quite frankly I'm tired of that old guy waving his hand at me and telling something I keep forgetting... in fact I'm done and this thread will have to do.
Did you remember to drop the grenade pins after them, in that defiant dropping the mike sorta way... that's really the cherry on the top.
Somewhere near the bottom of the ocean, a seven-foot sword traveled through the depths like a torpedo. It traveled until its tip struck concrete. Within that concrete lay lifeless matter that was once a powerful and unrealistically proportioned villainess. As that concrete cracked and the water seeped in, the dormant antagonist became aware of its presence.
She remembered the last moments clearly... Being thrust into that machine… The loud whine of its motor as it spewed chunks of her very existence into the great abyss… but everything after that was just blurry incoherent memories of fire, cement, bus stops, and non-moving toilets. She only knew that the hero had defeated her.
As the water reconstituted her ashes, she could feel herself coming back to life. She could feel her body forming again. And those ashes had obviously been mixed with fast-drying cement, but that was a minor issue. As her strength returned and she was able to move again, the secondary concrete block she had been sealed in was an even more minor issue (for she had been in many rooms with no doors before). As she broke free and slowly rose to the surface, it became clear that lack of armor, or any wardrobe, was the real issue. But there was no time for that. There was vengeance to be sought.
She emerged from the water, walking onto the shore with sword in hand. She raised that sword and summoned her legions of soldiers who thought she would never return. They came to her in various buses. And there were bosoms… heaving bosoms… just everywhere.