rip Render in Peace

Render in Peace
rip store links, and another bite the dust
not carrara pacifically, but i'm fond of it
dunno if should work on the materials or start from scratch

1024 x 465 - 487K

1024 x 465 - 419K

1024 x 465 - 453K

1024 x 444 - 484K
Post edited by Mistara on
Laments the mystic gorge. so sad for the new carrara users gorgeous mystic gorge is rip
autumn sunny
close up of the cathedral
Great renders, Misty. I loved Mike Moir's stuff and Mystic Gorge was my first big C purchase after Dart's Environments. I had visions of lots of Carrara scenes in the store back in 2013. Not long after Tango Alpha did his Hemlock Folly, things just dried up unless it was for DS, too. Another hidden gem is Phil Wilkes English Village.
There are things in the Gorge that are very mysterious, such as the way he layered the cliff textures and the replica city for the trees. I find it interesting to go in there and poke around!
can learn alot poking around.
been poking thru the native content scenes.
been breaking down the light and global illum scenes into parts.
is there any new content still being produced only for Carrara in the DAZ store?
a gone but not forgotten one
missed out on orange street
another rip
remember the butte cafe?
worth a giggle, like anything called butt
i regret not getting the Badlands when it was in store
is the old war giraffe resting in peaces? cant find it in store.
thats the one thanks!!
Venice for Carrara
wow - never saw that one - who did it - it's beautiful! (was...)
the prod lib doesnt say the artist
images link doesnt give link
ure, it looks like a typical Venice scene for Carrara, but is Venice really typical? Very lifelike indeed.
High resolution images can be view here: Images Link
What's Included
Venice for Carrara look here >
Richard had four Carrara products in his store. Venice was one. Here are two others:
I can't find the forth one.
Gas Station?
Yep, that's it, thanks.
I looked at Venice
I thought coould be good for a Howard Behrens style NPR but it has reversed normals on some buildings
city of gondolas
great thread thank you