Timeline troubles


I've been working with the timeline to setup my scene for rendering different layouts of characters/poses within the one setting.

Basically I would setup Pose 1 on the timeline at 1 second, then move along to the next second and change the Pose for the second render in a different area with a different camera.

The problem I am having is that now when I go back into the scene and go back to the third pose on the third second, it's moving into pose 4 rather than being in the exact pose setup for pose 3.
Sort of mashing them all together in a weird way.


Is there any way that I can:

A.) Salvage my scene so that the poses are in the exact positions they were meant to be in for each key frame


B.) Setup the timeline so that I can use it this way rather than as a tool for animation.


I don't really want to have to save/load a new file each time I want a different pose within the same setting.




  • The issue is interpolation - by default DS aims to smooth the transition between keyframes, in any frame if there is no explicit setting for a bone from a given pose then it wil be assigned an intermediate value between the previous and next key for the bone. One option might be to expicitly apply a pose that zeroes every bone before applying the pose you want, which would make sure that every bone and transform had a key; another is to select all bones and all keys and set their interpolation type to Constant.

  • using puppeteer solves this

    for record you can just click on each dot on a frame if you dont want too many inbetween ones

  • 31415926543141592654 Posts: 975
    edited February 2020

    Hmmm ... if you have keymate, you might have a simpler solution (I am not sure if it will work). In the KEYMATE tab, there is an interpolation box (to the right of the object box) - typically last one on the right. Highlight all of the keyframes on the timeline, then make the interpolation to constant. It just might hold the pose solid at each keyframe the way you want it. [ NOTE: if you are using DS 4.12 the interpolation setting is somewhere else, but I assume it is there ].

    Post edited by 3141592654 on
  • Thank you all for the suggestions and assistance.

    Puppeteer is exactly what I needed, and didn't realise I already had! Thank you. ^^

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