Same Mats on different models dont looks same, Why?
Posts: 2,479
If I take a mat from V4 and go to an image editor like photoshop, and cut/paste a portion to say an A3 mat...then I render both V4 and A3 with those mats applied...those same mats on A3 dont look the same as they do on V4...why is that? Same settings, same images. Does the mesh itself change the mats render properties??
Are you sure all the settings are the same?
Another possibility...image editor settings. The quality level for jpeg 'export' can change it, a lot.
Expanding a little on what Mike was getting at...if all you are doing is loading the texture into the diffuse, then if the rest of the settings are different (like Lighting Model) then they won't look anywhere nearly the same.
Assuming you set the diffuse color to white for both, did you also set V4's Ambient color to black rather than the very dark red it normally is.
Yea, it may have something to do with the scaling of the mats, as they are not quite the same scale, so I have to reduce the size of the V4 mat, before putting it on A3. I am doing some Frankenstein work, since I cannot use some of my favorite A3 MAT's on V4...I tried some of the above, but it still is off. I dropped TC2 into my wishlist, and will wait for a sale :) Thanks