How to make a small neighborhood of 3-4 houses?

Hello, im trying to make a small neighborhood of 3-4 houses some lawn and some garages and stuff, but cant for the life of me find any tutorial anywhere. Is there any yt link or something somewhere? Thanks in advance


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,109

    No you have the buildings etc. to start, or is finding those the first step? What style of house etc? Different areas and countries differ greatly.

  • found the grass and made some gardens and what not,also found some hosues under props and made a small neighborhood. Now i need to buy some pavements or something. Anyway i m buffled with the rectangles area under my houses(sorry dont know the term for those).Can i fill my whole scene with houses? Or am i limited by anything in this case by these rectangles? How "big" is the map i can create and fill with houses

  • CarlCGCarlCG Posts: 114

    The "rectangles" if I understand you correctly,are called the Floor. It's just to show you where the ground is in your scene. You can fill your scene with as much as you want, the space isn't limited, it can extend out as far as you want in any direction. What you are limited by is your gpu, the more houses (made up of geometry and textures) that you add, the longer your render will take to finish. But if you bought low-poly house models or they aren't heavily textured, you should be able to fill up your area with a bunch of them. Which houses and landscape products are you using? And if you just want flat surfaced pavement or cement, etc. you can build those by adding primitive "planes" to your scene, size the planes however you like, and applying concrete or some similar texture to them. You can buy shader packs or pick up free textures for this kind of thing in a lot of places.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,109

    I'm not sure what you mean by rectangle areas.

    You might want to check items from Collective3D here, and an older set from Feveral that gives a French village. Petipet also has some modern urban settings in the Platinum Club selection which could provide streets.

  • My 3D SpinMy 3D Spin Posts: 608

    You can make pavements using primitives (Create meny choose Primintiv) Change to the zise you need.
    Go to Surface tab select the Editor choose the surface you want!)

  • Thanks all for the info. i bought the streets pack which has some bins pavements etc,as for houses i got the neighborhood yard one.has some urban setting kinda houses.Getting there slowly.

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