Death Strike Outfit and Hair - Out Now! [Commercial]

in The Commons
Im late. Im late. For a very important date! No time to say hello, goodbye! Im late Im late Im late lol
Well, fashionably late anyway :P I just came from the tax man. So without further adieu....
New one has HIT THE STORE! This is the party thread.... :throws paper and glitter everywhere:
1000 x 1300 - 979K
1000 x 1300 - 1M
Here's mine. first thoughts when seeing the set Evil leader of a skeleton army? Ah I know, Psycho biker gang leader! "I'm a fuel injected suicide machine. I am a rocker, I am a roller, I am a out-of-controller! I'm the Nightrider, baby!"
I wanted something weird for my last pic, while i don't think I quite hit what i was aiming for i think it turned out alright. My first idea was them racing toward each other, but just couldn't work out that perfect camera angle. so i decided on the aftermath instead .
LOL I love your little titles and subtext. They have a certain je ne sais quoi to them... like beatnik poetry from the 60s. Yeaaaaah, man :snaps: I wanna be a fuel injected suicide machine toooooo!
But I love the image even more. Such a cool way to spin the set, with gorgeous light and postwork!!!
I LOVE that hair!! Can't afford it yet though, so I'm hoping for a catch up sale once my next paycheck come (or I get really lucky in contests lol)
Aw, thanks for the compliment :)
Great looking outfit and hair
Thanks a bunch!! Im glad you like it :)
Id love to see some renders, so please feel free to post if you have any
this is such an awesome set!!!!!
I decided to take a shot at converting the mats to 3dl I mean I did for my first picture but that was for a specific look i needed, this one was to try and get as close as to what they are supposed to be .
WOW... that looks REALLY good in 3DL. You did a fantabulous job converting them over. Really love the image too... all those sparks flying is awesome as hell
Thanks. someone broke down and picked up flame painter on the christmas sale.
Ohh from the humble bundle thing? I tried to buy that actually, but it kept kicking up database errors when I tried to register the serials. I ended up getting a refund... but I REALLY like that flame painter. I may have to pick it up at some point (maybe Ill just try direct)
Heh... Long time no visit, Iggy :)
Grabbed for promo work. Alyssa will love it. Maybe without the spikies, at least normally. Perfect for the character.
Would have been nice with some EasyPose controls. Just sayin' ;)
I bought it direct either on a black friday sale or christmas i don't remember, and i always forget to check humble bundle before i buy things lol.
Okay, here's the first render of Alyssa with DS Hair...
Promo-sized even :)
The character is still a WIP, mostly needing a bit of facework before I finalize her. The whole "Model-turned-Engineer" thing.
Hey DS Long time no see! Nice job on the render!!
And yesh, I purposely built it so the skull and spikey bits could be turned off (in case ppl just wanted a reg messy braid) Can't render evil all the time ;)
As for pose controls, you can select the entire braid's joint chain in your scene, and then the parameters tab, and pose them all in one smooth swoop (using bend, rot, or tiwst) It acts just like easy pose used to. There are a couple poses, however, under movement... which will pose it to either shoulder. You can only access those on the param tab, as opposed to shaping tab, coz they are actually pose controls.
Beyond that, the outfit actually has poses in it, that will also control the hair as well as the clothing/genesis.
DB: Im gonna have to keep an eye out then for a sale or something. It does look really cool.
@DarkSpartan - Heres a video to show you how to pose this easier
Also of note: this will work on the outfit's skirt... and my other sets as well, as I use chain rigs a lot
I found the poses under params... I even used one of them in that render. Had to make a change in it, though. It went completely through her right shoulder and out through her armpit. There is, I suspect, a reason for that(she's taller than most G8Ms).
As for the outfit, I haven't been able to put my hands on it. It'll make for a good cosplay.
Oh yeah... those two poses were done on base Genesis. Might have to make adjustments for certain morphs that have a size differential in some aspect (boobs, weight, height kinna thing) because it sits so close to the figure. Those 2 poses also won't work with the pauldrons.
I still have my posing skills... I'll make it :) Have to wait a couple of weeks for the outfit, minimum.
Sorry about that. Had to get a bunch of stuffs for promos, so waaaaaaaaaaay past tapped out.
lol no worries. Its all good
How about a comparison shot? Alyssa vs G8M vs G8F in a height-off ;)
back to Iggy's product ;)
Just wondering because it looks like the leg plates/spikes look like a separate piece to the leggings/boots? If so, can i see without the legplates? Just curious. Gorgeous set as always!!!
Yep, thats correct. The legs are its own conformer, separate of the leggings and the boots. You can also turn off all the skulls/horns
Here's some shots of the thumbs, that show the singular parts (I can do better renders tomorrow, if u still want em)
I was not going to post this because I've been trying to come up with something better but it's not going so well lol anyway...awesome outfit as always, always love working with Iggy stuffs! :D
oh sweet thanks Ignis! Those boots and leggings alone need a full size promo, they are badass and you can't see them under the epic armor. :D You always detail everything even if its hidden! <3
Laschae - oh you so silly... that one is absolutely gorgeous.
DD - yeah, I really wanted to show them per piece, but I always struggle coz by the time you do all that, you have promo overkill lol But yeah, I build all my outfits that way, so you can use parts, and kitbash stuff. You can turn off a bunch of diff parts too, to make it totally diff.
This is why we have forum threads ;)
Decided to play with an image (I just bought a cintiq and I havent had the chance to really use it til now)
Slosh, Mada and I were release buddies. Our sets complement each other sooo well, and Ive had this image stuck in my head ever since.