Content Updates
I know I will probably get a smack for this, but is there any way that NON-DIM users can get notified of updates to content that they have purchased?
Without DIM there are no notifications at all.
I say this specifically because DIM on my iMac has caused me no end of problems, so I don't use it on my iMac.
I do however have a Windows 8 Laptop that I use for testing with which I do use DIM without any issues.
So the only way I know there are updates available is if I fire up DIM on the Laptop, then manually download them from my account for the iMac.
Surely, with the plethora of emails I receive from DAZ trying to get me to buy more stuff, a simple email wouldn't be that difficult.
Rendorosity do, RDNA do, so do many, many others........
Hopefully yours,
If you are a platinum club member, in the Platinum Club forum, there is a thread where somebody has been listing updated products. You could subscribe to that thread to get notifications.
I maintain this thread for non-Genesis updates and Jay Nola maintains this thread for Genesis/Genesis2 updates.