Product Library Sporadically Not Populating
Does anyone ever have a sporadic problem where you open Studio and sometimes the Products category is populated and sometimes clicking on it shows nothing (as if you had no products installed)? I'm running Studio Pro on Win 7 64X. Not that big a deal as I can access everything from the library menu, but just annoying sometimes.
Are you talking about the Smart Content tab? If so check to be sure CMS is running
Sure sounds like you've got an intermittent CMS failing to start problem.
Yeah, mine does it too. Restarting Studio doesn't fix it, I have to restart my computer, then it's fine. It's only mildly annoying.
Maybe a corrupt database? look over this
If it is periodic and a computer reboot makes it start again, I'd lean more towards OS/security software blocking it, than a corrupt database...usually they don't fix themselves on a reboot.
Possibly. What AV program are you running