LilSideChallenge #11 - Horrofyingly ebil renders

LilSideChallenge #11 - Horrofyingly ebil renders
sinister critters
Ebil Fatales
night slayer
Classic Horror who wants their mummy
Thrills chills and toxic Spills
Hairy Scary
make it ebil with a moostash
10 bux GC prize
challenge deadline 27th April 2020
will start a separate thread for entries & open vote
da rulez,
rendered in Carrara, plugins okay, including octane ur lux
no post work, (could add a sig by map it to a plane)
new render or rework an old
animation clips and gifs, hosting media from another site okay
enter as many entries as you want.
and have fun!!
Ming! Max just passed away at 90. Great actor.
Maybe need a milk mustache of evil.
he was one of the funner villains, good at the little nuances of ebil
is the word ebil a slang word originating from USA?
from the urban dictionary
1) Pleasantly or cutely evil. 2) Slightly Evil But without malicious intent.
#ebil#evil#cute#non malicious#teasing
You are the Diet Coke of evil.
What do you get if you cross a Chibi and a Troll ?
Chibi Monster
Chibi Lycan
eeeeek! Tribis!
Paper Droid
Evil Intentions
Purple Dragon
Steampunk Snake - Toon Pro
Treant and visitor
eeek. LOL
the droid theyz was looking for
i learned ebil form lolcats memes
Thought this would be quick because it is just Gramps, some primtives, and a couple objects from the Carrara native object files. Unfortunately, ran into some problems the labcoat. Downloaded Gramps and his mad scientist stuff using DIM. Added Carrara hair to Gramps.
gramps flux capacitor
, a time machine out of a delorian? great scott
Today, Gramps absorbs the spiritual essence of a rabbit and an armadillo (won't kill them). Tomorrow, Gramps will conquer the world!
why does gramps look like he's saying 'wax on wax off'.... hmmmm
Sacrifices Made Here
a tribble
tribbles can be trouble. dont let them near your wheat.
Feed Time ~ my lame attempt at morphing the HWdog lol
aww poor doggo thinking "Am I a joke to you."
tribbles are seat hogs if you over feed them
In case you haven't heard the news yet..... from downunder.
late to the party but i can ss it's in full swing
this little guy just got his dental bill
panda the animal kingdom's emo/goths