Porting PyCarrara to the Mac

RuudLRuudL Posts: 209
edited November 2022 in Carrara Discussion

A few weeks ago I succeeded in porting PyCarrara to the Mac. I am still running tests using the samples that came with PyCarrara-win-1.0 and PySwarm Version 0.5 ( Bomber Test,  13 januari 2013 )
Up until now it runs stable and the results are looking good. 

Still to do:
- further testing of PyTweener and PyModifier
- testing with the latest PySwarm V0.6
- the documentation

Release date:
Today. On Pi (Py) day. 

- macOS Siera 10.12.6
- Carrara 8.5 Pro
- C8_SDK_8.1.1.12
- Xcode9.2
- Python 2.7.10
- PySwarm V05 and V06

What has changed:
- Installation:  All components are now placed in folder '/Extensions/PyCarrara' ( instead of '/Extensions' AND '/Extensions/plugins' )

- I can only do a macOS version.  I don't have (access to) a Windows computer.
- I can only do a Carrara 8+ version.  I don't have a C6 or C7 SDK. Unless someone can send me one.

Plans for future release:
- Python3.  Python2 has been declared 'End of life' as of januari 2020

Wishing for:
- a macOS version of PIA (PySwarm Interface Application). Hoping Fractal Dimensia is still willing to provide it.
- support for metric units in the PIA

- finished testing, all passed
- found 2 defects in PySwarm, I will disclose them later.
- also found a way to run PIA on the Mac. WineHQ for macOS
- minor bug release   june 4th 2020


Enjoy. Happy Pi day! 

Edit: Removed the attachment. Download is now available from my SourceForge page:  https://sourceforge.net/projects/carrara-plug-ins-adventures/

Post edited by RuudL on


  • BrianP21361BrianP21361 Posts: 813

    Very cool. 

  • de3ande3an Posts: 915


    I'll be watching.

  • Great !!! Let me know if you want to compile new versions for Windows.
  • RuudL said:

    A few weeks ago I succeeded in porting PyCarrara to the Mac.

    Congratulations !

    RuudL said:

    Still to do:
    - further testing of PyTweener...

    Here's a set of tweeners I ported across for use in PyTweener you can use to test when you're ready.

  • Great !!! Let me know if you want to compile new versions for Windows.

    Let's hope RuudL takes you up on your gracious offer...

  • RuudLRuudL Posts: 209
    FENgari said:
    RuudL said:

    A few weeks ago I succeeded in porting PyCarrara to the Mac.

    Congratulations !

    RuudL said:

    Still to do:
    - further testing of PyTweener...

    Here's a set of tweeners I ported across for use in PyTweener you can use to test when you're ready.

    Thank you. Very usefull. I will use some (not all, too many) in tests.

  • RuudLRuudL Posts: 209
    edited March 2020
    Great !!! Let me know if you want to compile new versions for Windows.

    I very much appreciate your offer. In return I offer your my help in building/compiling on the Mac. (HDRLightDome ?)

     For now the functionality of the mac version is the same as the windows version, except for the change in installation. It is my intension to release PyCarrara with its current set of functionality. And at a later time do the Python3 upgrade or even accept a request for change.  

    Post edited by RuudL on
  • RuudLRuudL Posts: 209

    PyTweener+PyCarrara on Mac  Just 2 screenshot of one of the many tweener samples by FENgari  


    Carrara ProScreenSnapz001.png
    943 x 871 - 246K
    Carrara ProScreenSnapz002.png
    943 x 871 - 238K
  • RuudL said:
    I very much appreciate your offer. In return I offer your my help in building/compiling on the Mac. (HDRLightDome ?)

     For now the functionality of the mac version is the same as the windows version, except for the change in installation. It is my intension to release PyCarrara with its current set of functionality. And at a later time do the Python3 upgrade or even accept a request for change.  

    Thank you also for the offer.

    I'll upload the HDRLightDome source to the CTS GitHub.

    I dream to add 3 functionnalities to PyCarrara in order to make it a full feature script engine for Carrara:

    • GUI. It would be very usefull if the script could open dialogs to interact with the users. I didn't have much succes using Python Libraries (crashing Carrara at the end of the script...).
    • Primitive : It would be nice to be able to create or modify vertex primitives, create morph...
    • Renderer : It would be really great to use Python to integrate external renderers. Thanks to Blender, most of major renderers have a Python interface.



    I'll upload the HDRLightDome source to the CTS GitHub.

    Done: adress is


  • RuudLRuudL Posts: 209
    edited March 2020

    I downloaded the source and will look into it after the release of PyCarrara for the Mac.

    Post edited by RuudL on
  • RuudLRuudL Posts: 209

    Today I finished the documentation. And I'm releasing the macOS version of PyCarrara.

    See the attachment in the first post.



  • RuudLRuudL Posts: 209
    edited June 2020

    Minor bug release. I replaced the attachment in the first post.

    Fixed a issue with garbage chars in the output of c3d.objects_list() function. 

    Post edited by RuudL on
  • 3drendero3drendero Posts: 2,027
    Excellent work. Here are the updated SDK links, including for Carrara 7. https://carraracafe.com/carrara-8-sdk-here/
  • 3drendero3drendero Posts: 2,027
    The forum thread with examples and even a video with PyCarrara by FENgari: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/290581/pycarrara-tweening#Comment_4123941
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