Puppies, furry & small dog breeds for Dog 8
Posts: 7,020
Seems like Dog 8 was just abandoned. I think cute puppies and small dog breeds and furry dog breeds with dforce fur would do much better than the big dogs we have now which are not exactly in the "awe, cute! " category. There are very few animal PAs though... Oso has done fantasy breeds, can't someone do realistic but cute ones? Like if Thorne could do puppies, I know they'd be adorable!
Italian Greyhounds please!
Maltese Terrier and Bichon Frise please
Poodle with and without the fancy Pom-Pom trim. Yorkshire Terrier. English Sheepdog. Afghan hound. Scottish Terrier. Basset hound. Saint Bernard. Australian sheep dog or heeler. Pekingese. Collie. Chinese Crested dog (basically a chihuahua in a pigtail wig). A morph to make the individual breeds into puppies would be awesome (one for the cat would be nice too).
I know it`s an old thread, but I too feel like Dog 8 has been abandoned. It really is sad.
I`d buy Saint Bernard, Border Collie, and English Sheepdog for starters.
Go to Philosopher's Egg. They have puppies, and Chihuahuas for Their big dog.
Just to clarify, these morphs are for the HiveWire3D Big Dog available at the HW3D website.