How to save custom character with several transform, scale and rotation warps?
I have a G8 based character that I adjusted many rotation, scale and transform settings on the joints to reshape it. How can I save this as a new character where all those properties will basically "Bake in" and the figure will still be positioned and warped the same way but all those parameters for rotations, transforms and scales will now read as zero?
I tried exporting the base obj and reimporting with Edit > Figure > Geometry > Update Base Geometry > "Vertex Poition Only"
However some parts of the mesh did not look correct after zeroing out the character.
Thank you for any help!
Post edited by mostlyhuman on
I don't know the whole process, but you could begin by 'memorizing' your figure. If you right-click on the the Parameters tab, there are the following commands: Memorize Figure, Memorize Figure Pose, and Memorize Figure Shape. Most kinds of parameters have a default value. When a parameter is memorized, you replace the default value with the current value. So, for example, if you've scaled up the arms of your figure, you can make their current scale the default. Similarly, you can change the default values for shaping parameters. If you make some changes to your figure and you want to return it to its default state, you 'restore' the figure (not zero it) using the commands: Restore Figure, Restore Figure Pose, Restore Figure Shape. Don't use a command like 'Zero Figure' - that returns the values of your figure's parameters to the actual value of zero. The command 'Restore Figure Pose' focuses on parameters like bone translations, rotations and scales.
I'm not exactly sure but you could then save your figure as a Scene Subset.
Extra note: I wouldn't update the base geometry - I haven't tried it but I don't think you need to do that.
Thank you, Stretch. I tried all of the memorize options under Figure but none of the values reset for me. Actually after reading more about the memorize functions I dont think they will work for my purposes. I need a way to truly bake the transforms since the character will be exported through FBX.
There is a Bake Rotations function (in the Joint Editor option menu I think), but it won't affect other properties. What is your ultimate goal here?
Thank you, Richard, apologies if I wasnt clear, I have a character and usually the transforms are locked on each joint so you cant change them. I unlocked many of the transforms to push and pull and reshape the model, I also changed some of the scale and rotations. I now want to take this character that has been warped by changing the usually locked transforms and turn it into a new character where afterwards the transforms will all be locked back again and set to zero. Basically "Baking-in" all those transform changes.
I'm not really sure that that is possible, or at least practical. You could link everything to s single master slider, of course, but that doesn't seem to be what you are wanting.
I was able to figure it out.
1) export as obj
2) import obj as morph and apply to zeroed character
3) apply morph, adjust rigging to shape, freeze erc
3) export through fbx with bake all morphs selected