HDRLightDome Mac version [ v1.2 update ]

A few days ago I offered my help to Philemo. He responded with the release of the HDRLightDome source and ask me to do the mac build.
- finished the setup of the xcode project
- resolved all the compiler and building issues
- build a debug version that is now to be tested
- Carrara did not crash after installation
- concluded the tests; no crashes or errors
- build a final release version
- build a new final release version without compiler optimization. Fixing a problem with replicators.
- I'll be using the 16 steps mini course that FENgari posted.
- Tried to replicate the issue that Stezza had with replicated volumetric clouds, but I did not get any errors. [ using the debug version ]
Release date: very soon
Temporarily available at: https://sourceforge.net/projects/supporting-cts/files
Post edited by RuudL on
@Philemo Any thoughts on how, where and when to release the Mac version of HDRLightDome?
the problem I get is setting up a scene using any type of replicator(s) then applying the light dome.. happens frequently but not on all occasions..
If I then hide the replicator(s) in the scene tab it will then apply then I unhide the item(s) and carry on.
it also happens with some models but this is rarer.. and I use the light domes for most of my renders as it's just the ants pants
I'm in the habit now of creating a new scene.. adding the HDRI then applying the light dome set then adding the content.. no problems doing it that way.
Today I was able to replicate the problem with the final release version I build recently. Carrara crashed. The crash report showed that FourElements.mcx was the culprit. But that is not a 3rd Party plug-in, it's part of the base installation. After a hour or so of me trying several scenarios in the hope to pinpoint the problem, I switched back using the debug version maybe the trace file will give me a clue. To my very surprise this debug version did not crash?!? What's different?
After examination of the build options I got a hunch that it might have something to do with compiler optimization. It was set to 'fastest,smallest' ( -os ). So I build a release version without code optimization and copied it over to the Extensions folder. 'Et voilà!..' It works fine now. That is to say on the Mac.
@Stezza I believe this may also solve the problem you're having with replicators and HDRLightDome on the Windows platform. It's worth to try.
@Philemo Can you compile a Windows version without optimization and make it available?
I think the best would be to host it in the CTS sourceforge website along with the others plugins (with credit of course :-) ).
I'll have a look into it as soon as possible (difficult now while confined at home with family -> not a lot of time available for Carrara :-( ).
Hope you are alright and dont get to stir crazy being home with the family.
Kids can drive you to drink.......
I totally agree. That leaves the how and when to settle upon. No hurry. Enjoy the company of your family even if you're confined at home.
@Philemo_Carrara I've send you a PM regarding the release of the mac version of HDRLightDome.
It has been more than 2 months since I have heard from Philemo. I hope he and his family are doing well.
The macOS version of HDRLightDome wants to get out into the wild. As of today I will temporarily host it on my own sourceforge project website. I will remove it as soon as it becomes available on CTS.
Temporarily available at: https://sourceforge.net/projects/supporting-cts/files
I encourage you, especially the mac users, to post your renders using HDRLightDome.
he has checked in according to his profile otherwise I too would be worried
just assume he has other stuff to do like most normal people
(unlike me for example alone with two cats)
@Philemo_Carrara I've send you a Message (on this forum) regarding the release of the new mac version of HDRLightDome.
It's answered. Great work!!!
I've just released a new macOS version of the HDRLightDome plugin. It's version 1.2 and available for download at https://sourceforge.net/projects/supporting-cts/files
Short release notes
A more detailed description of the changes is included in the zipfile. And also attached to this post.
Philemo_Carrara will build the windows version at a later time.