So confused re Carrara versus Daz Studio

I am a complete know-nothing when it comes to Carrara. I don't own it, have never owned it, have never used it. So please don't get too annoyed by my ignorance, but ...
There are a few products I have seen in the store which say "Compatible Software: Carrara." No Daz Studio. No Poser.
Is there no way to be able to use such products in Daz, ever? Never the twain shall meet? Can a Carrara scene/environment/props be saved or exported in any format that could then be imported to or opened in Daz?
Conversely, can Carrara open (or merge into a scene) anything saved in Daz Studio? For instance, if I had set up some characters in DS with clothing and hair and what-have-you, could I import them into a "scene" in Carrara? If I could, would they have to be no later than G2 characters (which seems to be what the product page for Carrara indicates)?
Sorry to sound stupid, but on this, I am.
Content made for Carrara won't work in DS, at all.
Carrara can use content made for DS up to G2, but it doesn't support G3 or G8 out of the box. I think there are workarounds to get them to work up to a point.
the DAZ stable of products
That's pretty much what I thought. More's the pity. As far as I can tell (which isn't far!) content made for Carrara won't work in anything at all except Carrara.
Except Carrara 3D objects, right? Then you have to use Carrara or nothin', right? Leana just said in the comment directly above yours: "Content made for Carrara won't work in DS, at all."
(Hey, kids! Merry-go-round rides are always free in the Daz forums!)
You can export from Carrara. How good your results are will depend on what you are trying to export. It might be a good idea to link to the content you are interested in, then people can give you a better idea with regard to the ability to export usable data.
You also might want to change the forum for your question from New Users to Carrara, since Carrara users will be better equiped to answer your question (to change forums, click on the littel gear icon on the upper right of your first post, click on edit, then change the forum by using hte drop down on the upper left).
Great. As what format that Daz Studio will import?
I don't think I want to go to all the expense on a crap shoot.
Okay. There are several of immediate interest:
An English Village
World Gardens Maze
Okay. I'll try anything that might work.
wavefront obj is the universal format.
some of the stone masin sets include the obj format, which earns the compat with carrara label
Just a tangential observation. Carrara seamlessly loads Poser content, via direct links in its browser. There is a LOT of Poser content available, way more than Carrara content. I switched to Carrara from Poser years ago because of this, and the fact that Carrara handles large scenes and animation much better than Poser. I don't use DAZ Studio because its animation capabilities (my main interest) are no match for Carrara. I still use Poser when needed, e.g. ERC models need Poser (synchronized motion of different parts), and some materials use Poser's features.
My Poser content folder is 307 GB. My Carrara content folder is 25 GB.
I was mainly explaining the reasons, purposes of each program
those big scenes are Carrara only as use replicators though you could export the buildings and structures from Linton the English villiage for example, rhe vegetation would be pretty much impossible
rendering it in Carrara is your best option
ask only one specific thing to get one answer
I answered other things you asked
I am primarily a Carrara user, been using it 10 years and use many other 3D softwares too
but if you don't like my input then simply the answer is no
don't buy Carrara content hoping to use it in DAZ studio
stick to using DAZ studio content in DAZ studio
BTW I am not as stupid as you think
I have exported Linton and used it in other programs with other vegetation systems and I have exported Carrara content to DAZ studio
it is not an easy task and I am not even going to attempt to try and explain it to a one click DAZ studio user with attitude
simple answer - no
best answer - learn Carrara
I never thought the thought for a moment, nor did I imply in any slightest way, that you were "stupid." I made a "merry-go-round" joke about the frequency in these forums of getting responses from different posters that are 180-degrees diametrically contradictory of each other—often stated in the most absolute and emphatic of terms. For anyone trying to travel in a straight line from A to B, it often is like a macabre carnival ride.
Sorry you took it so personally.
touchy times sadly,
I couldn't walk to Woolworths for my Farmers Union iced coffee 7am like I usually do as it's seniors and disability card holders only now first hour due to Covid19 hoarders and 33C today too hot to walk later, might try sunset.
yes you will get different answers depending on the user of the software
I tend to do stuff people tell me is impossible because I am stubbornly persistant and explore other ways to do it
Well, see, now there we are 100-percent in sync.
Hope you can get that coffee soon. I know all too well that a day just cannot be right without it.
I would like to add that in early days, yes there were Cararra only versions of scenes. I also have decontstructed Phil's English Village and saved elements of it as objects.
But later, PA's had to create DS versions as well. TangoAlpha has many scenes that are British themed and are excellent. Jack Tomalin has British themed buildigs as well (A Curious Pub eg). Also, if you go to Rendo, BlueTreeStudio has several British scenes including Little Chipton Village. For others, just type 'British and or English" into the search slot and you will get a good idea of what is available. I am constantly searching for UK or European styled items, so this has been of interest to me.
Good luck.
@PhilW might be even inclined to create a DAZ iray one using Untrascatter now too
hi Silene
i can't find the thread. did you find the solution to the human fur rendering blue?
Hmmmm... that was last year. It was in the hair shader mixer that also had a pattern... it was a 'freak' thing and has not happened again since my rebuild.
was thinkin of trying a koonootoo shirt
Thank you, Silene. I will track down every one of those leads you've given me. Earlier I did buy the Daz Old London Town, and have picked up a few other English/British themed buildings/streets over the years. There just is a certain charm about Phil's English Village that seems "right" for something I'm trying to put together. It's on a deadline, though, and has enough limitations on it that I can't go off on too many conversion or kit-bashing tangents (whether I'd love to or not).
I will definitely look into your tips and suggestions, for which I am very grateful.
See if you can put the hoodoo on 'im. :)
ha I wouldn't be buying a DAZ studio version
but he might benefit financially due to the much larger user base if he did
Also, don't pay full price for Carrara, if you are thinking about it. It is on sale at fantastic discounts quite often these days which might make trying it out an easier decision. There are also dedicated Poser and Daz users who set up skies and backgrounds and buildings to render in Carrara, then use them as great backgrounds for Poser or Daz scenes.
Seems your choice is clear. If you particularly like the scenes in ".car " format you must buy Carrara and keep working in Carrara -providing G8 is not too important -and not worry about bridging to Daz Studio. Out of the box Carrara is great value and has the best inteface IMHO compared to many softwares which are so confusing including DazStudio. There is a very consistent way in which Carrara offers its tools and Settings. Add to that the many FREE and paid plug ins available and you have a formidable 3D tool though with some failings but crikey tell me about a software that doesn't have some especially as CGA is continuely coming up with new ways of doing things .
It partly depends on what actual work you do and whether it is easier in Carrara or Daz . You have to try it to know - but that requires some patience. We recommend it .
yeah but many DAZ studio users won't look beyond click loading and rendering Genesis 3 and 8 and their realistic bends
the throught of using older content and doing some work horrifies them
Scroll through the latest challenge and see what people are doing with Carrara
Thanks for the tip and info, Cbird. Yeah, I couldn't justify paying full price for it, given the budget for the project I'm doing that I might have some limited use of it for. I've already found other solutions for my initial interest in it. I may or may not decide to delve into it for my own amusement at some point, and if so, I'll look for one of those "fantastic discounts." Thanks again.
From having looked into it, I don't think Carrara is for me. I've been able to accomplish what my clients need using Daz Studio and Cinema 4D.
A few Carrara-only models caught my eye and I thought they might be good in an animation I'm doing, but given all the complications (and expense) involved, there are many, many other solutions, several of which I'm already implementing.
If the PAs of those models that interested me ever decide to port them over to DS, I'd be a customer, but it doesn't seem likely to happen--and it's spring, and there are butterflies to catch.
I, personally, wouldn't presume to speak for "many DAZ studio users," or, really, any at all other than the few I know well and work with.
Among those, I know quite well that budgets and deadlines have a great deal to do with professional decisions about what products to work with. Then again, these people I'm referring to are not dilettantes living off the dole or idling away their retirement; these are hard-nosed professionals having to deliver on-time, within budget.
I know that for one project I did with some of them, we had to create an entire outdoor amphitheater with a full-blown rock concert, including a band, an audience, a "jumbotron" type of animated light display at the back of the stage--and a rooster playing a guitar as the main character. I guarantee you there wasn't one single screen-time second attributable to "click loading and rendering Genesis 3 and 8," or any other Daz 3D product of any description.
They use Daz Studio and its products when and if it's the right tool for the job.
thanks for having. go at me for being lazy retired I guess I deserved that, I was very impressed by your video and wish I could afford C4D.