[ Just Released ] DarKon for G2M & W.I.P DaVinci Devil The Aviatrix for G2F [Commercial]

DarKon for G2M Just released : http://www.daz3d.com/march-madness/mec4d-darkon-for-genesis-2-male-s
here are some previews of the new set .
and also the Avatrix outfit and smart props for G2F , high resolution detailed clothing with a lot of details
and as bonus a "Da Vinci inspired " Turbo Jet Glider with steam props that collide with the set while posing creating cool effects
here are W.I.P s of the modeling since I still working on the textures for the Steampunk inspired set
rendered in Daz Studio with AOA Advanced Light set
I will post more previews when the textures are ready
Edited for adding link to the store

1920 x 1080 - 496K

1300 x 1000 - 487K

1300 x 1000 - 873K

1000 x 1300 - 469K

1000 x 1300 - 672K
Post edited by MEC4D on
And here the Aviatrix modeling previews
and couple more
just AMAZING !!!!
beautiful work
Very nice work, amazing detail!
Looks great, has to ask... is it figure and clothes like the wizard and Ferdi, or is it clothing only? *curious* (the model looks droolworthy *blushes* )
I have just one question.
Do you ever sleep?
Send my credit card back when it's ready to return, Cath ... ;)
Now I am actually wondering how the first outfit would look on G2F ;) Is there anything similar planned for G2F? I quite like the style :)
*Whines* I neeeeed that armor. Dangit, woman, I was hoping to spend LESS money after March was over!
It's a bodysuit-style item, Ren. I'm guessing it'll autofit flawlessly except for UV stretching in the chest area on larger bosoms.
I'm not sure if I need Aviatrix immediately or not other than just because it's awesome, but it IS awesome. Collision FX? And wow, look at that sculpt. I am completely impressed.
Thanks, I think maybe the clothing make her looking droolworthy LOL
no no characters this time, the clothing set has all separate parts , you can put the suit pants + bra on a sexy character and rock it without staying in the theme ..
the flying machine have also separate tail .. so na be used for a jet glider or air glider with the tail that is poseable
I spend more time on that than 2 other sets together .. when I finish texturing you will see what I talk about
I hear the question very often .. well I do
4-5 hours and the rest mostly working , I would skip sleep if I can lol
I have just one question.
Do you ever sleep?
DarKOn was made to fit my store with the wizard and the rest , I don't see it looking cool on the female figure , as it is set for the blocks
but when time allow I may do another one for G2F .. the helmet and mask is fine but just different chest plate and hip area , you don't want the lady walking with a bulge between the legs ..lol
Thanks, I think it will come out in the second part of April .. I wrote collision FX since the steam coming out from the jet will response to the back cloth part of the corsage .. hugging it in different directions depend of the legs poses and not poke the clothing , it sounds more mysterious than it is but cool for the eyes
I am trying out new techniques and actually letting myself go thi time , making amazing clothing for DS is no problem but sometimes the details getting in the way with the weight maps and rigging but I figured it out this time and allow myself to get more details as usual
sculpting cool stuff is not big problem but make it animated ready is
I sculpt the full set and it was over 50 millions poly .. and what you see it is the low version of that
you may not really need it , but I guess it is cool unique add for your collection :)
there will be more details once the textures are done so I can put in the micro details I could not with the modeling ..
and I am very glad that you and other like it!
I just bet DAZ is happy with all this super high quality work your churning out for their figures honey. Just more amazing good stuff from you.
Really looking forward to a male character pack. Hope you have on in the works. Something like Buddy & Eli mixed I'd be drooling all over the place....
Thanks Richard , yes I have one in the progress actually bundle character and clothing sort of like M6 bundle ..
@Razor I made for you some quick renders with the sexy suit from Aviatrix , no textured just simple black diffuse and some specular ..it all rendered in less than 1 minute DOF included .. I just love the AOA lights so much it speed my work and render with quality .. used AAL and ASL , stephanie mixed with Olympia body .. actually that was my product but I expanded it to the full Aviatrix set .. it was modeled based on a real jump suit .. also I will have HD morphs for the skin where the straps pushing it in for more realistic effect ..you know what I mean
I hope you like
DarKon was just released! I hope you enjoy this creation
Thanks for your support
If I can give you a tip for the DarKon suit and helmet, if you like to have more define edges of the iron plates you can change the smooth angle , by clicking the all materials under surface tab and under [smooth ] decrease the value of the Angle to not minder than 39 %
it will give you sharper edges for the armour and the suit in place of a bitten iron plates , in Poser via DSON you can change it by decreasing the edges by click each of the group of the suit and change the value under the Proportions .
If you render the full set with the mask, you can load base gen2 with blank setting and change the materials to just black as it don;t need to be calibrated and slow down the rendering time , also the shading rate under the rendering setting will bring a lot of details , the best is 0.010 for the shading rate so no one detail of the surface is missed , I rendered the images below with 0.025 for the distance ..
Wanna see real 3D ? get a little bit off the monitor cross your eyes and focus in the middle , it is stereoscopic image ..very cool ;)
And straight into the cart! :)
aw, the droolworthy guy wasn't part of the package *grins* which leads me to ask... who is he? *smiles* The clothes and props looks great, can't wait to play with them :)
Also be interested in knowing who the DarKon model is. :) Picked this up - after the six hour all PA sale I was really meaning not to buy anything more for a while, at least until a refund came through, but... you dragged it out of me. *cries* Two minute noodles for the next fortnight.
You are an amazing artist, I can't stop staring at this...
LOL I never said he was ! the droolworthy mysterious dude is a part of another set that is in production , a bundle with character hair and casual clothing .. he is based on my closer friend , he may looking strong but he is very nice and funny guy, so you must understand that I keep him for the best full set as I don't want to waste materials for partials only :)
WOW....and yet another great product!!! and I love the fact that you show they can sit in this outfit....in my cart it goes....Thanks so much!!...Trish
According to the notes, the Darkon package includes hair. Is it a complete hair model, or does it only contain the parts that aren't hidden by the helmet?
Would someone who has already bought this be kind enough to render an image showing just the hair, not covered by the helmet?
awww I am sorry Carola :) the DarKon model may be released at the end of this month as I need to give little break for everyone :)
and I am sure you will like the set what I call Buddy 3 , new exclusive skin materials and morphs , hair, facial hair and as bonus couple of casual clothing .. and regarding 2 minute noodles .. I being there before lol keep it tight ! haha :)
Also be interested in knowing who the DarKon model is. :) Picked this up - after the six hour all PA sale I was really meaning not to buy anything more for a while, at least until a refund came through, but... you dragged it out of me. *cries* Two minute noodles for the next fortnight.
It should state : Hair extensions with straight and braided hair materials , no full scalp
Here it is on Brandon.....
Thanks Trish, it is pretty flexible , you can control the Cape apart from the main figure pose with the bones
look on the attached images
most poses working just fine without touching , but if you would like to have effect like wind blow or other you can direct the cape in the right direction , you can collide it even with other objects in the scene by turning on the smooth modifier choice generic or base and adjust higher the collision so the cape will alignment itself with the object , there is a lot of possibilities
since the cape have own custom weight maps, I do prefer this way in place of handles, handles are cool but not really functional sometimes , this method not only allow you the cape to go with the figure pose but also adjust naturally
Thanks so much...I just had to do Brandon looks really wicked with the make-up......LOL...Trish