Maxim HD for Michael 6... coming soon [Commercial]

Figure I'd create this thread since I'll be out of the country during his release...
Presenting Maxim HD for Michael 6!
Maximiliano, or Maxim, is looking to bring a little hotness to your renders!
Maxim includes six custom head morphs and three custom body shapes, with HD morphs for each body shape to add extra details.
Based on the Michael 6 UV, Maxim's textures are based on reference material provided by Antonio Rodriguez (ProFotograf) from a custom photo shoot of a Portuguese male model. The textures are high resolution and feature non-mirrored areas, such as in the hand and feet. You will not find these photo references used on any other Genesis character in the marketplace. They are 100% unique to this character. Options include different facial hair options as well as grey and dark head hair, arm tattoo and leg birthmark.
Default and HSS shaders are included, as well as support for Poser SSS. All morphs are rigged and compatible for use in Poser; Poser Companion files (PCF) are included in this product.
Note: Poser users will need to set the subdivision level to two in order to render the HD morphs.
Thanks for looking!
Male-M3dia, JSGraphics and Profotograf

Looks like a great character as usual.
Cart is standing ready ;-)
Lookin' good.
Oh my, my other lads will like this!
Some WIPs..
I try my best. Lets hope he does well.
Aha I figured this was done by you when I saw his face on that other site. Cant wait to purchase~
He looks amazing. Is he....complete? Obviously you can't show renders if he is but I'll take a yes or no.
Thanks so much. I love your stuff. Your models are just so alive.
Of course he is complete. Just waiting on Daz to pop him in the store.
Of course he is complete. Just waiting on Daz to pop him in the store.
I don't think that's what they meant... ;)
I don't think that's what they meant... ;)
It wasn't what I meant but I got my answer when I looked at the product page. I'm not a big fan of Eunuchs. I don't often need the full package but when I do it's annoying not to have it.
I am curious about the render time. Is he entirely HD and/or how does he render.
I've bought Male-M3dia's HD men morphs and have them work quickly. But other figures I've bought in the store render so slowly that I cannot use them at defaults.
It comes with a crotch bulge and gen texture.
For the Gens, you have to go through the M6 Pro-pack, as usual. All the guys are eunuchs in DAZ, unless they are Pros. ;-P
It comes with both HD and regular morphs. I agree, some HD morphs take forever to render, and I have a powerful rig.
I don't think that's what they meant... ;)
Only can pop in as I'm in the middle of the gulf of Mexico.
Yes he has gens texture. Won't release a character pack without them.
It comes with both HD and regular morphs. I agree, some HD morphs take forever to render, and I have a powerful rig.
HD render time depends on subdivision level. Some of the more detailed morphs come in at subdivision level 3, which takes longer. So far I use level 2 to balance between a little extra detail and render time and amount of resources used... so you can put more figures in a scene.
I may release some at a higher level, but I want to work out how to have that in addition to level 2 HD.
Anything that is attached to me in the store using my photo references must come with gen textures. That is a strict rule with me. As with products made here and elsewhere I would never buy from or support a vendor who refuses to make gen textures for a skin. For me that would be like leaving off the nipples on a female stating that they are obscene. Every single female character with exception of the teens and youthful characters come with their nether-regions complete. Just the males don't. And you need to buy a pro bundle pack to even get working gens parts to make a male "realistic" and non-eunuch. But that is easy to remedy. You will never find a male texture done by this trio without gens.
This skin is the M6 version of yours truly, with both youthful and adult and superhero style morphs and is pretty versatile the way Male-M3Dia did the morphs. JSGraphics did a really awesome job with my skin, and added my Protector/Guardian tatt into the mix. Back in the days of M4 the other version of my skin sold really well and was very popular at Daz3D, hopefully Maxim will do as well, if not better with M6 and HD.
Look forward to seeing some of the work you all do with Maxim, and if you render him with his completeness feel free to post them over that that "other gallery"... ;-)
Antonio (ProFotograf)
Thanks guys! Well now I just had to buy him. I can't really pass up any of Male-M3dia's older guys. =-) Although I still love Mr. Ryuu and Mr Axel, Maxim will be a welcome edition to my runtime, and can't wait to play with him.
Must buy and love the older / younger combination - once again a great all around package useful for many renders to come :)
Wow! What a hunk! I promise to render responsibly. ;)
I can understand DAZ wanting to retain modesty on the forums but it makes no sense when vendors don't include gen maps with new figures. Personally I don't create erotic or explicit material but a man (even a synthetic man) is not complete unless he has the correct anatomy in all the right places.
I completely agree. We need more figures that offer younger and older versions of a figure. It's really helpful when telling a story where the character ages. Zevo's aging morphs are great but it's much easier to have a figure with a range of ages to start with.
He's downloading now! I'm stoked to have a new character to play with. Things have been rather dry on the male figure front for genesis 2 males...=-)
Well I can understand with genesis as the Gens are geografted. To do M6 (or any genesis character) gens correctly, you need a program that handles projection painting... and those programs aren't cheap. With Gen4, you could easily do gens with photoshop or have products that gave you a base gens texture and you would change the diffuse settings to match your figure.
Well I hope you have fun with your new guy. ;)
Anyway, have to log off again, finish this report and go to bed and get up in time to meet Immigration at the dock for the first part of getting admitted back in the states for their testing procedures.. can't be late because I ain't got $3000 to give them... (buy more Maxim just in case)
Well... Here's a render with two Maxim's, and I know I don't do them justice here as some of the artists will but they work well for my needs. Many thanks for a great guy to go in the collection.
Great render Brad! I like that very much! =-)
Maxim's skin is rendering so nicely I think. =-) Male-M3dia has outdone himself.
Thank you for the kind words SereneNight, and yep, the skin renders really well in all sorts of adverse lighting and conditions (especially with AOA lights).
I really like Maxim, he's one that will be one of my more main go-to figures when doing males in scenes now.
Just cannot figure out what parts of Maxim are HD-enabled. To me, this morph set has some disproportional shape of pectoral muscles. Time to time it seems that Maxim has the breast implants.
Rendered for the monthly contest, but felt I could share it here as well :) Maxim is a nice man to work with I think, this is my first render with him and I am the first to admit that there are Many other artist that will do way better job with him than me :) He even gives me ideas for scenes that are not quite TOS friendly *grins*
Thoughts in the Night
Alone he stands in darkness, watching the water lanterns. Lost in thoughts and confused by the feelings raging within him. He had done the right thing to walk away from her, hadn't he?... Now, alone in the dark and aching for her touch he is no longer sure his decision had been the correct one.
Well I can understand with genesis as the Gens are geografted. To do M6 (or any genesis character) gens correctly, you need a program that handles projection painting... and those programs aren't cheap. With Gen4, you could easily do gens with photoshop or have products that gave you a base gens texture and you would change the diffuse settings to match your figure.
is Zbrush one of those programs? Or what are some examples of them if it is not Zbrush or Photoshop?