problem exporting obj's from V3Digital Times Buildings and Skycrapers
![StratDragon]( when I export the scene as an obj the resulting model is missing geometry and mapping is not correct ive tried the default DS export options and custom ones to ignore the ignore the invisibles. how to a generate a static prop?
The set uses instances to create the building so there is a lot less geometry there then it looks like.
You could try Instances to Objects. It might create a huge list of individual objects, though, not one for the whole building.
once you convert instances to object .. if you export all the objects with groups not selected you should get one object written to the exported file
open it and import it and you should have single object
if it doesn't come back in as single object try inporting it into another program like 3dMax... if max sees a bunch of objects you can select them all to import
but there is an>import as single mesh option which should mash them into one
are you referring to a process inside Studio or talking about the product barbult suggested?