d-Force wind node on dforce hairs

in The Commons
I am trying to simulate a windy day on a character. I have made a plane to simulate a veil and it works perfectly, but it does not seem that the wind node affect the hairs in simulation.
They simply fall as in a normal simulation without the wind node. Am I doing something wrong, or simply the dforce hair (in this case is the Classic Long Curly Hair) are not foreseen to work with wind node?
I spent hours trying to get wind node to work on this hair. In frustration I finally read the Readme and on the last page it says that wind node has little effect on this hair, Doh!
Little == zero as far as i can tell.
I realised that finally it was that specific hair, and wind node are quite working well on others! Thanks!
Your best bet with that hair is to simulate the character upside down or at an angle to make the hair fall in the direction you'd want the wind to be blowing. I believe Linday actually shows that technique in the .pdf tutorial.
Yep, that was the plan B, but finally I tried with other hair, and it worked so I kept that.
I am having the same problem. I want a bit of wind blowing, have a oversize windnode on 50mph and gravity on .5, just to get very little result. It is far from a nice flow of wind through the hair.
where is the wind node in the simulator settings?
It's in the Create menu.
Exactly this. Turn your character sideways and use the force of gravity in lieu of the force of wind.
Want a lot of wind, turn them completely sideways/perpendicular to the ground and simulate to the end. For just a little wind, turn them only a little bit.
Works for everything dForce, no wind or whatever required.
I've successfully used the wind node to blow Classic Long Curly Hair. The key for this hair is not changing the gravity setting in the simulation, you need to change the density in the surface settings for the hair(s). It's set 5,000 GSM, which is insanely dense and would need insanely high wind speeds to make it move (but this density does make the hair drape nicely). Set your wind speed to 10 mph and the density to around 500 and you should get some blowing hair. Then adjust the speed/density to your liking. You may also need to adjust the length of the simulation/animation to get it to blow properly, and you may have to select the "perfect" animation frame to get your favorite position for the hair.
For this image, I set the density to 800. I just wanted a slight wind effect, enough to blow the hair back away from her face, and give a slight effect on the ends of the hair. One note, because the hair is long, you will get some turbulence from the wind going around the figures body. Depending on the results you are looking for, you may have to get creative with the placement and direction of your wind node, and/or add more wind nodes.
Hope this helps!!
I've been playing with making a more wind blown effect of a simulation of Classic Long Curly Hair, and I was a bit high on the numbers in the previous post. A density of 100-200 would be a more appropriate starting value. But, due to the complexity of the hair, the resulting simulations may not be quite what you were hoping for.