Iray preview not working on 1 char
I am building a new Scenario and I have now the problem, that my iray preview dont wanna work if I wanna check my boy.
I had a idea what the problem could be... and yepp now I found it, its one decal.
So... why is the one decal making problems to give a irray preview?
I changed now one decal priority to 1, both hat it to 0, so maybe the engine get problems when 2 decals have the same priority?
It is still not 100% working :/
Here is a video:
(no longer)
(i didnt disabled the decal in the video), I got the idea with the decal after making the clip
But in attachment you see with/without decal on the slip (which is not even active, only the decal is active because its not a group and I have to disable it invidiual and forgot it).
The decals are from "Make me itsy bitsy".