Does Dforce prefer Tris or Quads?

Simple question.  I am creating content outside of Daz and importing it into Daz. I have imported the same clothing item in both Quads and Tris and Dforce simulated it.  Honestly, the results seem about the same. The reason I ask is that everthing in Daz seems to be in Quads by default, so obviously, I should stick to Quads in general. But, in terms of Dforce specifically, does it like Quads, Tris, or does it not really care one way or the other? Sorry if this is a dumb question but I am new at this. (I personally prefer the look of Tris because I have convinced myself they look better for some reason.)

Bonus Question: When importing to Daz from Marvelous Designer, what's the lowest Particle Distance Simulation Property you can get away with before Dforce gets all cranky? It defaults to 20mm but is that the best setting in general for Daz? 10mm seemed fine, it did not like 5mm (lol), or is it dependent on the indvidual garment?

Thanks in advance. smiley



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