Mark polygons or edges in Hexagon UV?
Hexagon can UV map an object, and it is possible to slice the UV map according to seams.
The Hexagon UV mapping works not always good and some work with it can be cumbersome, but it works.
What I am missing is the possiblity to mark, eg. by giving a color etc, single polygons or edges in the UV map and export this map with the marked items as a picture (eg. jpg, png).
Get me right: it is possible to assign materials to polygons. But I am not looking for a materialzone or facegroup in the 3d mesh, but with a given 3d mesh to add additional information only to the UV map, eg. where corresponding edges or polygons end after splitting the UV map by Seams.
And it would be nice if all this could be done in Hexagon.
Best Regards
Yeah it would be nice.
No. One does not export out the uvmap, one clicks on the little camera on the bottom of that panel and it takes a screengrab. One may or not wish to select it all first so it is a blue colour and easier to see. Save out the file as a .png. Open it in an image editor and have fun.
If you have StitchWitch [no longer available] that can extract uvmaps and give one the seam borders. Or some other 3D program/utility that can save out the uvmaps may or not give one borders.
Thanks for the info and the explanation
I nearly believed that I was to stupid to find such a function in Hexagon.
Its a shame that the UV mapping in Hexagon is only so rudimentary, but then I have to find a way to deal with that.
Stay well in this strange days
Nice Days and Nice Renders
You're welcome.
When I started with Hexagon, Blender's UI was terrible. Today is vastly improved and if starting all over again time wise to learn a program, that's the better choice for many.
I bought 3D Coat to deal with uvmaps. Hexagon DOES have a few features lacking in the up-to-date programs so it has its uses to be kept in the general toolbox. Has been priceless at times just for the bridge. Acting as a mid-program to get models out of D/S and over to another program with Hexagon doing the .obj exports/imports for the transitions. Not all if indeed any 3D modeling programs read files all the same way and there are no words to describe some of the "fixes" made by various programs "on their own" to meshes they did not "like".
Is this what you are trying to do?
Yes, thanks it would work. In most cases I dont need the matching polygons along all the seam but only a few critical ones (image a texture with smudge on it and there is spot ending in a sharp line within the textured model because both sides of the texture dont match).
But yes, it is something I am looking for
How can it be done?
Sadly that is done with a program* that is no longer available for sale however I happen to have it. If I also happen to have the models that you are wanting the seam borders for I can extract out the .pngs for you ... thinking of a few items, not hundreds ;-)
* StitchWitch
Time crunch ... I hope this makes sense. If just wanting to check a seam or two there is this method using Hexagon and an image editor. I used D/S to send the figure over to Hexagon. If using .obj exports of figures such as Genesis 3 or 8, make sure to have loaded a collapsed uvset.
Thank you very much for offering help and the idea how to get around of the problem. I will give it a try - should work to give the information where on the texture to place the smudge so that it runs across the seam
Stay healthy
You're welcome.
Yes, you stay healthy too.
Thanks again for all the help. I tried the method and was successful. Now I can creat UV maps which runs smooth right across the seams.
Stay healthy
Nice Days and Nice Renders