How do I export Normal Maps
Posts: 51
I exported my Victoria model as a collada and it doesn't seem to be exporting any normal map shaders. WHy is this?
I don't think Collada supports Normal maps, though it still 'collects' them to a folder.
How do I export my bumps then?
Which software are you exporting to?
Can it read another format?
I'm exporting to max.
Then FBX is a better bet, it does support normal maps.
(with Collada you can still get the normal map, it just has to be added manually)
I tried exporting as FBX and it didn't export the bumps. How do I manually add them?
Sorry, I don't use 'Max, I use Cinema.
I just open the material and put the map in the appropriate slot, 'Max can't be that different.
At least the FBX export has put all the maps in one handy folder. :-)