Does the denoiser in DS cause wavy looking edges?

in The Commons
I was looking at some new products promo images today, and I am noticing a lot of promo renders haveing like wavy looking edges, and also some strange edge glitches. At first I was thinking the promo images must have been run through some photoshop painting action, but then I thought maybe it's just the denoiser doing that? I have only used denoiser a few times, then never again, as I didn't like the way it seemed to just kill details in skins and fabrics.
I think some examples would be helpful. But from what you're describing, it doesn't sound like the denoiser.
Im not sure but I think they maybe talking about like this product the first promo look at the ceiling and the desk chair but even everything in the room it does look like a painted effect has been applied. There was another product think it was a subway station or something Ill see if I can find it.
Or this one
Borrowed from Promo images: Sometimes its hard to tell but look at the top of the train. Easier to see if you click it full size.
That one the lamp and desk it sits on, and the doorway arches.

Glass table, couch and TV edges are looking like panterly, or wavy or something lol
Here the green couch and the wardrobe thingie with the three plants
Ah ninjad, yeah, those are good examples too. I had closed my browser and it cleared my history, so hunted again from the new catagory lol.
These effects are not caused by the denoiser, but by setting the Pixel Filter Radius in the render settings to a low value (typically less than 1.0).
Although low values of "Pixel Filter Radius" can make an image look sharper, they do have the disadvantage of causing these jaggard straight lines.
Ah, never heard that one before. Will have to try it out when I finish this long ass job I been working at lol. I usually use mitchel on like 1.1-1.3 depending on how big I am rendering.
Yeah, that's not the denoiser...though it should be noted that the denoiser can cause detail loss. I'd compare it to a Photoshop noise-reducing don't want to just apply it in one stroke to the whole image. That's why I typically avoid it unless I can do spot render passes and then blend them into the main render so I keep all the details I need.
It's possible your denoiser settings are interacting with you pixel file filter settings. Both of these can cause softness at some point in their range of settings. Better lighting will make denoising less necessary.
Found some more today.