dForce Hair discussion, Do you like it or not? I don't



  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    I actually did go ahead today and bought two of Chevybabe‘s dForce hairs (the double French braids and the sideswept updo) and also the curly bun for Gen8 which is a mixture of dForce and fibermesh hair I believe. I found that they do not take much longer to render than detailed transmap hair which really amazed and delighted me; and they really look awesome, except for the hairlines (my pet peeve with these hairs) which are just not natural enough for my liking yet. Still, I don‘t think it will be hard to add some postwork there, and the problem is not half as big as I thought it would be. Which is real nice I think.

    The one thing that sort of annoyed me was that some of the hairs - I think Chevybabe‘s but might be wrong - do not show per se in Iray preview, and there was not preset or instructions given to make them do so. I had to sift through the forums here and after a couple of wring starts managed to find the line tesselation parameter and set it to 2 which made the hair finally show up. For me, it is important that Iray preview does work because I have to render using the CPU exclusively and thus do a lot of tests with the Iray preview before committing anything to a real render. So I wish the hairs were set up to show in Iray preview automatically, or that a preset was added to make them show up with just one click. 

    Apart from that they‘re quite pretty and a lot easier to handle than I thought. I‘m still using mainly the morphs for posing though.

    Fore hairlines, find one you like, then use it for other hairs; I use a PhilW one if the hair doesn't have one.

    It is usually necessary to adjust it when it's not for the hair one is using, but is worth the effort, and usually only takes a few minutes.

  • cupboardcupboard Posts: 18

    hi, great post i have skipped though some of it so forgive me if i'm repeating something already mentioned."do i like the dforce hair?"
    yes i do but with huge caviates. is it better than what has been available before? yes. is it perfect? far from it. the built in DAZ
    'strand based hair designer' is a difficult beast to navigate and it's hard to get any kind of really useful output (especially if you only have
    a limited PC/Mac to work with). has anyone anywhere in the world managed to solve this issue? see pictured/attached

    it looks to me like the point from the folical to the first few bend points, the first inch to inch and a half of the strand should
    by default have far more points that it has so that it bends more natually as a curve. now if it's the case that this requires either a 'bias' setting or a 'point count' adjustment, let me tell you, i've tried just about every perrameter i can find and still not hit the magic one that makes the difference. i thought i was getting near with 'length itteration count' but results still seem unsaticfactory. even with 'collision offset' and 'yore angle' the strands just stick tightly to the head/cap. as you can see i've been using the dforce 'fem fetal' hair and the 'long straight' hair to get a starting point. i have tried to get results from the 'strand based' set up but i get even less of a useable result
    from that [after many hours watching tutorials and making notes]

    if i can't 'crack' this issue then the next few portraits i had planned for just aren't going to work. so if anyone has a solution - please please get in touch via this forum.

    it's got a 'way to go' but it's getting there. the LAMH plugin does not work with any beneficial outcome on my machine but may work better for some.

    it's now been quite some time since we had an update from the 4.12 [even the beta - which again has more bug to it on 'my' machine than the last stable version] we must surely be in line for major update soon. keep safe and thanks



    hair results.jpg
    1688 x 1274 - 1M
  • Fungible UserFungible User Posts: 456
    edited April 2020

    Unfortunately I do the judging a book by it's cover thing. The promo shots for SBH don't encourage me to buy at all. I think it looks more fake, but totally just my opinion. The only SBH I own were included in Pro bundles and those I have accidently purchased. I model most of my purchased clothing in Marvelous Designer and have it drape and fall exactly as I want with much better results than dForce....and god forbid, even mange to open shirts up for guys, so the whole mechanic of dForce really doesn't cut it for me.  But I see the potential and I'm not trying to poo-poo it, as I am sure the dynamic will get better and better, but not something I use presently.

    Fur, on the other hand looks extremely good from what I have seen.

    Post edited by Fungible User on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited April 2020
    There are a lot of drawbacks to dforce hair. They are resource hogs, and they take a lot of time to use. I tweak poses a lot...which means needing to run a new simulation...everytime I want to see the result. Time ticks away. They are hard to see in the viewport, which means running test renders a lot more than I normally do. Iray viewport is not practical with these unless you have a super computer, plus we have documented how Iray Viewport eats a lot of VRAM in recent versions of Studio. Pretty much everything about these hairs results in needing more time. Dforce itself is far from perfect. Weird stuff happens a lot. Adding to this list, as more and more stuff uses dforce, if you have a lot of people, they all might have dforce clothes and hair. Yikes. You might also have dforce props, like blankets and things on top of all these people with dforce clothes and hair. YIKES.


    And IMO there are only a few dforce hairs that actually look good. Sadly most of those are not in my style. So...very few have piqued my interest.


    But if you are patient, sometimes they can pay off with shots a regular hair might struggle with.

    ..agreed, as I do a lot of pose refining as well and waiting to run repetitive sims (be it hair or clothing) is a areal interruption to the workflow.

    That said,,it is saving me a lot of money.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • tsroemitsroemi Posts: 2,904
    nicstt said:

    I actually did go ahead today and bought two of Chevybabe‘s dForce hairs (the double French braids and the sideswept updo) and also the curly bun for Gen8 which is a mixture of dForce and fibermesh hair I believe. I found that they do not take much longer to render than detailed transmap hair which really amazed and delighted me; and they really look awesome, except for the hairlines (my pet peeve with these hairs) which are just not natural enough for my liking yet. Still, I don‘t think it will be hard to add some postwork there, and the problem is not half as big as I thought it would be. Which is real nice I think.

    The one thing that sort of annoyed me was that some of the hairs - I think Chevybabe‘s but might be wrong - do not show per se in Iray preview, and there was not preset or instructions given to make them do so. I had to sift through the forums here and after a couple of wring starts managed to find the line tesselation parameter and set it to 2 which made the hair finally show up. For me, it is important that Iray preview does work because I have to render using the CPU exclusively and thus do a lot of tests with the Iray preview before committing anything to a real render. So I wish the hairs were set up to show in Iray preview automatically, or that a preset was added to make them show up with just one click. 

    Apart from that they‘re quite pretty and a lot easier to handle than I thought. I‘m still using mainly the morphs for posing though.

    Fore hairlines, find one you like, then use it for other hairs; I use a PhilW one if the hair doesn't have one.

    It is usually necessary to adjust it when it's not for the hair one is using, but is worth the effort, and usually only takes a few minutes.

    Thanks for the hint, I shall definitely try that!

  • cupboardcupboard Posts: 18

    a hehehe hohoho. it gets better. try a scene/project with two models with different dforce hair. the settings of one influence the settings of the second. i have the dforce companion

    and no matter what settings are visible or not and even if you go to each model in turn and switch the 'visible in simulation' on or off

    certainly as soon a you hit 'clear' in the simulation settings they both clear and both start again. i've tried 'memorize' - 'lock' - 'freeze' nothing separates them. you can only ever have ONE simulation set up in a project. the only way around this would be if you treat each as different renders and then re-combine them in a post art program [photoshop etc]

    oh joy...not

  • chevybabe25chevybabe25 Posts: 1,279

    @cupboard  Don't hit the clear button :) 

    You can freeze the simulation of the things you are happy with, then just simulate again.

  • willowfanwillowfan Posts: 240
    edited April 2020

    So long as you do the simulation separately and freeze the simulation for each item once done, you can have as many different sim settings as there are dForce items in a scene.

    I often do this as dF hair often needs very different settings to dF clothes

    Post edited by willowfan on
  • cupboardcupboard Posts: 18

    thanks chevybabe25 and willowfan - "i've tried 'memorize' - 'lock' - 'freeze' nothing separates them. you can only ever have ONE simulation set up in a project."

    to quote myself. not in my world apparently. i7-7700k-4gb~gtx1050ti~32gb ram~Z270 chipset m/board - win 10 pro latest. nvidia 'studio' driver latest


    with or without the dforce companion

    it's majorly buggy isn't it, that's becoming abundantly clear.


    thanks anyway - stay safe


  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    willowfan said:

    So long as you do the simulation separately and freeze the simulation for each item once done, you can have as many different sim settings as there are dForce items in a scene.

    I often do this as dF hair often needs very different settings to dF clothes

    I've also split a hair up and made parts invisible to get the look I was after.

    I still have one I can't decide on posting or not as not sure if finished.

  • jukingeojukingeo Posts: 711

    Hello All,

    Oh my!  I had forgotten I posted this tread and when I came back today to look something else up, I had noticed this thread has 70 messages!  Anyway, I do want to thank everyone that has contributed to the thread, but it is going to take a while to read everything.  I did glance over some posts and it seems the door is swinging both ways and some like the dForce hair and some don't.

    As it stands now, I am still avoiding dforce hair.  While I have played with it, I just can't get it to look right.   The biggest problem is that darker skinned / African characters seem to more and more come with dForce hair and I have not seen one where I really liked the look thus far.

    Also I have noticed that the past three Pro Bundles that have been released do not have a dForce hair item. Both are standard hair.   So I am not sure if that is just coincidence or people are more in favor of the standard hair.

    Anyway, I will do some more in depth reading later on in the week and draw my own conclusions based on what is written here.

  • jukingeojukingeo Posts: 711

    Hello All,

    Ok, It has taken me some time to finally get through this entire post as I was constantly drawn away from it.   So now that I read every single post through, I do have some questions.  However, it seems like, out of 70+ posts to this thread, there are more that don't like dForce hair and are using the standard (I believe it is called Transmapped?) hair.

    Ok, so I initially made this post in response to the hair that is clearly labled as dForce Hair in the Daz Store.  Now it seems like something else was mentioned and that is called "Strand Based Hair, or SBH."   So my question is this the same as dForce hair or not?   Now while I have heard of Strand Based Hair before, it was mostly in context of something in regards to fur, body hair, or grass.  So I was under the impression that it could only do short fuzzy things.   So this can be a way to make hair too?

    Finally, there was mention of using dForce on non-dForce hair.   I didn't even know that is possible. Is this better than using dedicated dForce hair?  If so, then how is it done?  Also are the results visible in the viewport Iray render?

    Now that last thing seems to be a big issue and I have ended up getting some dForce hair as a result of buying bundles.   That issue with the viewport is unacceptable, however, I was reading that if you set the tesselation setting to "2", then the hair does show up in the viewport?   Now is this the same for all dForce and SBH? 

    Overall it seems to be that there is much more that needs to be improved on in terms of the usage for SBH and dForce hair.   While I am willing to experiment with it, the cost factor in time may not be worth it.  From the one photo above with the 'tall woman', I could see the issues and frankly, I don't see much improvement over using standard hair.

    As it is, I struggle enough with using dForce clothing and that can be hit or miss as well.   Some outfits work beautifully and others don't and I guess that does depend on the creator as it does seem to be the case with dForce hair as well.

    Personally, unless I figure certain things out, I am not going to purposely buy dForce hair, however, as I mentioned above,  I have enough examples of it that came with buying bundles and I can experiment with that.  Out of these bundles there is one stand out that I would love to get working properly and that is the Darcy dForce Hair, item number:  64887.


    In the photos, it looks amazing and I do create African - African/American characters a lot.   So this hair package would be great if I could get it to work right.

    But for the most part I am going to stick with standard hair for now.

    Anyway, those are the only questions I have and a big thanks to those that have responded to this.




  • mmkdazmmkdaz Posts: 335

    I mean....I do appreciate the options and the effort...and, I don't want to get in the way of progress and all...but...I find it to be unnecessary for renders and animations. I'm sure it's just baby steps and the evolution of this product will blow us away eventuallly, but right now, seems like a bit of a time sink.

  • fred9803fred9803 Posts: 1,564

    Stand hair looks wonderful when renderd but Dforce hair looks absolutely terrible. I assume they're working on the same principles of geometry rather than alpha maps, so why the difference?

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    It's one of Studio's strengths imo; more straightforward to use that Blender imo. (I do all my rendering in Blender, so don't buy dforce hair anymore.)

    Properly shaded, it looks more realistic than transmapped hair ever can. It does need a cap, like transmapped hair has, to similite the follicle-growth from the scalp though.

  • fred9803fred9803 Posts: 1,564
    nicstt said:

    Properly shaded, ...

    Therein lies the problem IMHO.

  • chevybabe25chevybabe25 Posts: 1,279
    edited August 2020

    @jukingeo I put together a small youtube video that demonstrates how to use strand based dforce hair along with using the NVIDIA preview.  You can view it here:




    Post edited by chevybabe25 on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    fred9803 said:

    Stand hair looks wonderful when renderd but Dforce hair looks absolutely terrible. I assume they're working on the same principles of geometry rather than alpha maps, so why the difference?

    I noticed that too. The variance in dForce hair coloring is better but the hair looks completely dried out, plastic, and dare I say it, often less realistic than decades old polygonal transmapped hair. The strand based hair looks very realistically shiny with a nice sheen and the color looks good but I'm only able to reliably have a single color so far. Well I did do a dalmation but that was a completely amatuer hair color map I made up with my mouse and Adobe PS Essentials. My attempts to apply an existing color map, like on the DAZ Seal, and have all those nuances of color come through on the DAZ Seal hair have failed. Such a shame because it's pretty decent except for that.

  • jukingeojukingeo Posts: 711
    edited August 2020
    fred9803 said:

    Stand hair looks wonderful when renderd but Dforce hair looks absolutely terrible. I assume they're working on the same principles of geometry rather than alpha maps, so why the difference?

    Ok,  but one of my questions was what IS the difference?


    @jukingeo I put together a small youtube video that demonstrates how to use strand based dforce hair along with using the NVIDIA preview.  You can view it here:

    Ok, thanks, I'll take a peek.

    BTW, how do you get the simulations to go so fast?  I think I have a decent machine (i7, 16gig  1080 ti GPU), and renders complete at a decent speed, but simulations chug along like a hippotamus climbing a mountain.

    Also, how do you get the hair to show up in the Textured Surfaces?


    Post edited by jukingeo on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,614

    one is hair sheets the other is polylines of various thickness(single, trianglar tube, cylindrical tube as you increase tesselation)

    the first one anybody can create the second only PAs if using curves to simulate  and tesselation on render

    you can actually dforce fiberhair mesh, I do my Zbrush exports but it's very heavy, strand hair you could too a tesselated obj export/import but also very heavly likely to crash DAZ studio

    the PA tool enables it to be simulated as curves

  • chevybabe25chevybabe25 Posts: 1,279
    jukingeo said:
    fred9803 said:

    Stand hair looks wonderful when renderd but Dforce hair looks absolutely terrible. I assume they're working on the same principles of geometry rather than alpha maps, so why the difference?

    Ok,  but one of my questions was what IS the difference?


    @jukingeo I put together a small youtube video that demonstrates how to use strand based dforce hair along with using the NVIDIA preview.  You can view it here:

    Ok, thanks, I'll take a peek.

    BTW, how do you get the simulations to go so fast?  I think I have a decent machine (i7, 16gig  1080 ti GPU), and renders complete at a decent speed, but simulations chug along like a hippotamus climbing a mountain.

    Also, how do you get the hair to show up in the Textured Surfaces?


    Animated simulations are slow. I had been working with a 980 ti and some were taking 10 plus minutes.  Granted I up my stabiliazation and pose settings for promos.. they just come out so much nicer.   If you don't mind being at the mercy of a pose, using gravity ( the video above demonstrates the gravity option)you can get results pretty quick ( around a minute ish depending on your computer's specs).


    I don't understand your question about the textured surfaces. Hair is visible in the viewport, and renders.  If you use the nvidia iray preview, you will need to change the viewport line tesselation sides from 0 to something higher like 2( also demonstrated in that video)


    Your question about the difference between the hairs: There is dforce strand based hair that is dynamic that I personally make along with phil and Aprilysh.  These hairs are made with guides and then Daz generates additional hair within the program itself.  It's actually quite cool.


    There are vendors like Linday and Biscuits that make hair from tubular geometry that has dforce cloth applied to it.  These are transmapped like traditional hair.

  • j cadej cade Posts: 2,310

    Nope I don't like strand hair at all

    Never use it

    Very limiting

    Super unnatural looking

    Traditional hair is so much easier to pose exactly how I want it

    For the record all of these are sbh made by me right in DS. It's an absolute memory hog but boy is it pretty and so much easier to control (look at that last one it's looped around her finger

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    j cade said:

    Nope I don't like strand hair at all

    Never use it

    Very limiting

    Super unnatural looking

    Traditional hair is so much easier to pose exactly how I want it

    For the record all of these are sbh made by me right in DS. It's an absolute memory hog but boy is it pretty and so much easier to control (look at that last one it's looped around her finger

    Fabulous work!! You should become a PA again.

  • jukingeojukingeo Posts: 711
    edited August 2020

    Animated simulations are slow. I had been working with a 980 ti and some were taking 10 plus minutes.  Granted I up my stabiliazation and pose settings for promos.. they just come out so much nicer.   If you don't mind being at the mercy of a pose, using gravity ( the video above demonstrates the gravity option)you can get results pretty quick ( around a minute ish depending on your computer's specs).

    Ok, so I have one model series better than your card.  Probably not too much of a difference there, but the similutions are definitely slower than what was in your video.


    I don't understand your question about the textured surfaces. Hair is visible in the viewport, and renders.  If you use the nvidia iray preview, you will need to change the viewport line tesselation sides from 0 to something higher like 2( also demonstrated in that video)

    Sorry, my bad, a fart of the brain.   I meant to say Texture Shaded mode in the viewport.  I attempted to use the Darcy dForce hair I mentioned above.  I did follow the video with the line tesselation and it didn't work in the Iray Preview although it does work in a straight render.  I set it to 2 and then 3  and the results are in the attached photo below for the Iray viewport view.  You can see fine hairs, but that is it, no full preview of what the hair supposed to look like.   Also in the next attached photo, that is what the hair looks like in Texture Shaded (that time I got it right) mode.  Nothing like the full head of hair you were able to manipulate with the hair you used in your video.  So, what is happening here?  This is clearly not doing like your video illustrates.  Is it the fault of the hair design?  Should I try something different?  The last picture is the actual full render of what the hair supposed to look like.


    Your question about the difference between the hairs: There is dforce strand based hair that is dynamic that I personally make along with phil and Aprilysh.  These hairs are made with guides and then Daz generates additional hair within the program itself.  It's actually quite cool.

    So is strand based hair also dForce?  Or is it the other way around.   It seems in some conversations dForce and strand based is used in the same sentence like you just did above and others seem to treat it as two different entities.   So I am quite confused on what is what.  Perhaps pictures or visuals would help in identifying what is what.


    There are vendors like Linday and Biscuits that make hair from tubular geometry that has dforce cloth applied to it.  These are transmapped like traditional hair.

    So then what you described above is Strand Based Hair, and what you mentioned in this sentence is dForce hair?   So for the one thing I seem to get straight is that transmapped hair is traditional hair.


    @J Cade  Yes, I can see that, the last picture is the best looking.  But if you look at my attachments, that one particular short cut looks pretty good for dforce hair.  Granted there is nothing really that has to be simulated there.  But I was just illustrating the problems I am having in regards to viewing the hair in the viewport.  The second to last render the hair doesn't look too bad, althought he woman you selected looks like she is ill.  LOL!   But the first two look utterly fake.  Especially the first one.  Her hair looks like purple Cheese Doodles.

    @Barbult  What's a PA?  ....Personal Accountant?  Party Assistant?  Or my best guess would Professional Artist?  Yes?  Or am I totally on the wrong track.

    @ChevyBabe25, I guess I will try out some other dForce hair and see if I still have the same problems.



    Deforce Hair Viewport.JPG
    759 x 788 - 51K
    Deforce Hair Viewport 2.JPG
    969 x 888 - 86K
    Deforce Hair Viewport 3.JPG
    987 x 945 - 170K
    Post edited by jukingeo on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    Daz keeps changing what PA stands for. I believe the current definition is Published Artist. That is, someone who sells products in the Daz store.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,614
    edited August 2020

    J Cade I think you are confusing Standbased hair with Dforce hair wink

    Yes Strandbased can look very real and can be styled by the user

    you cannot style the dforce strandbased hair, just alter parameters and run sims

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • AlmightyQUESTAlmightyQUEST Posts: 2,005

    The offical DAZ Studio "Dforce Hair" is built with strand based hair by PAs. PAs have access to additional tools to allow them to make it dforce hair. If, in texture shaded preview mode, you see guides instead of hair, that is strand based hair. If it's made by a PA, it may be Dforce hair.

    Before Dforce Hair existed, some PAs were modelling hair using tubes (or possibly ribbons I suppose), and using the cloth dforce options that were created earlier. Because there wasn't anything else with the name, they called it "Dforce Hair", since it was using the dforce engine. So it is a hair model that is using "Dforce", but it isn't the offical "Dforce Hair" (which is always strand based).

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,614
    barbult said:

    Daz keeps changing what PA stands for. I believe the current definition is Published Artist. That is, someone who sells products in the Daz store.

    nah Barb it's Premier Artist, it used to be Published Artist laugh


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    barbult said:

    Daz keeps changing what PA stands for. I believe the current definition is Published Artist. That is, someone who sells products in the Daz store.

    nah Barb it's Premier Artist, it used to be Published Artist laugh


    Are you sure it isn't the other way around? Look at what Daz says on their publishing page. Honestly, who cares what they keep changing it to. It just means people who aren't Daz employees who sell stuff in the Daz store. I think we all agree on that.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,614
    edited August 2020
    barbult said:
    barbult said:

    Daz keeps changing what PA stands for. I believe the current definition is Published Artist. That is, someone who sells products in the Daz store.

    nah Barb it's Premier Artist, it used to be Published Artist laugh


    Are you sure it isn't the other way around? Look at what Daz says on their publishing page. Honestly, who cares what they keep changing it to. It just means people who aren't Daz employees who sell stuff in the Daz store. I think we all agree on that.

    well then they changed it again

    like changing undies blush

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
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