dForce for an earring: trying to combine fabric and solid meshes

Wow, @rbtwhiz has really provided a nice manual for this. Coming from some experience with MD, I'm making a lot of assumptions and so far they prove more or less accurate (yay). But I struggle to make an earrring work. My idea is to take the solid meshes and not use any dForce on them, and just use a small piece of the mesh (a cylinder of some 24 faces = 3 loops of 8 faces).

That little cylinder is supposed to act with dForce so the rest of the earring dangles appropriately.

The MD equivalent is attaching a hardware obj to a tiny piece of garment, then pinning that to the avatar.

So far I cant make it work, its all acting as fabric and its a mess. Not rying to do a Salvador Dali.


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