Splitting one big Surface in 2?
Hi, I have this setup:
My problem is, if I use my Shader preset, it streches so ugly, so I would want to split it in 1/4 parts, 2 on each side.
Atm is each side 1 big "plane".
but making it into a half plane would be helpful, I could try tiling, but I dont think it would be nice.
Or what think you?
If it is stretching, it sounds to me as the UV is mapped to be a square.
And if that is the case, dividing it into more surfaces won't change anything as the UV map will be unchanged.
My suggestion would be tp look at the UV map for the side, and if it fills the whole square, or at least goes from edge to edge, then you can use a seamless shader and tile it along one axis.
Alternatively you must take it into a modelling program and redo the UV maps, and then load these UV maps to the model. I have never tried loading new maps, so I am not familiar with the exact workflow. You can elsewise just import it as a new model.
Without putting it in a cad program, ie blender, it might be difficult.
However you could load the multiple models and delete the walls in one, and all but the walls in another, scale the walls down by 50% (or less) lengthwise (z axis?), export the walls as .obj, load the obj twice, add shaders, place the walls where they need to be. Parent everything to a null.
I tested now tiling and... surpising, it looks fine!
I didnt tested tiling before, but I think, this is okay :)
But still thanks for your time and try to help :)
If the only issue is uniform stetching you may be able to just adjust the horizontal/vertical tiling options in the Surfaces pane t compensate. If you want different values in different places you can use the Geometry Editor to create new surfaces (select the polygons, right-click>Geometry Assignment>Create New Surface Group from Selected).
the problem was that one complete wall was 1 surface/poly so I could not select just a part of it ;)
but I like my walls now.