Deleting Geo part, destroys structure
Hi, I wanna renovate my Attic and wanna remove the old wood parts.
But when I delete the parts, does my window implode/explode whatever... goes crazy!
Hiding the parts is fine, but it will reload everytime, when I reload the scene, I can (and do) hide it as seperate surface, but I also know hiding with Opac. on value 0 does not save render speed, and if I dont need that part I would like if I can hide it.
So... why in the Name of the Holy cow, does my window explode? >_<
Video (please click the image)
You have SubD applied to the model, I think, and by removing the geometry you change the cage. Do you actually need to have the model SubDed?
No, there is no SubD.
used that one, if you got it too, you can try it.
Could you post wireframe images of the model, or even the model itself if it's yours to share and you are willing to do so.
Hi, I posted the product page in my post, so no its not mine.
The end wall is not a single unit, the top is offset from the bottom:
yeah I have that problem here too...
I removed the wood "beams" and sometimes you can see the hole of it a bit.
But I am still happy, also with my renovating improvisating^^. (used stuff from art studio).