Why does every female two piece swimsuit on this site insist on having low rise waists?

in The Commons
There are some exceptions, such as most leotard style one piece outfits, but by and large I can't think of a single two piece bikini or swim article on this site that is not exclusively low rise on the waist. Personally I just find it an ugly ugly look. With the return of high waist in modern fashion, I am curious why we continue to see low rise swimsuits. Any high rise two piece is an instant buy from me. Let's not chop the hips and the V in half :'(
less polygon count?
Could you show us what you want?
There are a few not so low cut ones :
Personally, prefer low rise ones as high rise legs are an ugly, ugly look. Seems both tastes are catered for, just as well because we're all different.
Appreciate the response, friends.
Many of these are still very low. But you have called me out on a couple. The High waist pinup is indeed high waist, but not exactly what I am wishing to see.
Indeed. Though, perhaps it is not necessarily a different cut, but rather a way women choose to wear their bottom. Basically, you take the low rise bikini bottom, and raise the sides up to around the belly button, essentially above the curve of the hip. I am not sure if women in the 90s were specifically doing this with their bottoms or if they were made differently, but typically this strikes me as a 90s look. Though it has come back in to fashion lately, especially with Calvin Klien style women's underwear. But again, it seems to be a choice for how high the woman wants to pull the sides up. I guess in my case, I am wondering why there are never options to simulate this look.

Though I am not an expert, it seems to me like in the 90s especially, bottoms were actually designed to accentuate the literally shape of a V. If you type in "90s bikini contest" in to youtube you see dozens of examples. And while they can be really awkward to watch from a human perspective (you gotta remember though that none of those people had the internet), you can't deny those are some sexy angles.
This one girl here at 32 seconds is perhaps a perfect example of what I am not seeing represented anywhere on this, or even other marketplaces:
loll not all surprises are good surprises. i liked that surprise, personally
Something for everyone
What you want looks a lot like the Isla Bikini JVRender linked above.
Some other ones from the other store:
Maybe this with the top bit hidden? https://www.daz3d.com/hollywood-styles-monokini-for-genesis-3-female-s
Another option is to use a product thats generally right use something like fit control https://www.daz3d.com/fit-control-for-genesis-8-female-s to move sides up (use the "sides down" control in reverse).
You can, as another option, get other clothing and swap materials to make it into a bikini. Some older fantasy armors seem to come with underwear that would work (and can usually be used with autofit). Like https://www.daz3d.com/dark-heart-for-genesis-2-female-s
Ah, missed this on your first post JV, thanks for re-pointing it out Alex. Yes, that's almost precisely the bottom I was looking for. Now, if only there were some more options. I already have a couple of the ones you posted from Renderosity. I like the 3DAge stuff a lot, and have quite a bit of it, I just have no idea how to successfully port it over to G3F or G8F. I am also a huge fan of high cut leotards, and they have some brilliant ones that would look so damn good on modern figures. Any paths you know to get that stuff over to modern figures?
Happy to help.
For converting I think the best and easiest way are the converters from https://www.daz3d.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=rssy+converter .
For this particular bathing suit https://www.daz3d.com/rssy-clothing-converter-from-victoria-4-to-genesis-8-female this is the one that fits.
Also Luciel's suggestion sounds pretty good.
This is a fast example of using Fit control to convert https://www.daz3d.com/realfit-hipster-bikini.
In first image I have the original on the left and the modified with fit control add-on on the right. Note that I did this pretty fast but there are a lot more sliders to this even more accurately.
The second image I have the same hipster bikini on the left but modified only with it's own morphs, and the same modified with fit control on the right for comparison.
I think a lot of us wish we were back in 1990.
An underrated decade. Not always the best in terms of fashion, but holy hell they got bikinis and swimwear right. And the lack of a terrorism, a pandemic and social media was a plus.
Alex, thanks for going the extra mile for me. That might just help me out. I'll keep fit control in mind.
But you guys know what I am saying, right? There is a lack of underwear and bathingwear that actually going over the hips. I know for sure it has made a comeback online at least, but it seems underrepresented in DAZ marketplaces, in an official capacity. For now, I guess I will have to tinker. :)
...I find something similar with the sets of Martial Art's clothing for G2F and G2M in the Lee 6 Karate Bundle. For the male version(Karate Gi) the top is pulled together higher about the chest, while for female version (Fight Suit) it's open down to mid torso to flash cleavage.
Odd that they would deliberately change the women's. I don't mind, I just prefer the option for both, almost always.

Also, here's some more 90s inspired fashion for the swimware. It was a simpler time...
those styles were much more flattering too
lengthened the leg and often hid any ugly bellybuttons
(some otherwise attractive people have the most scary outies nobody should be showcasing with belly bars!)
I like highwaisted knickers too (with large leg holes not the granny type) for comfort
When i was looking for one piece swimsuits and leotards a while back i was also pretty annoyed at how the bottom part was cut. A lot of what i saw was just a little too tame and then there were some that went too far, like someone gave the lady an atomic melvin. I ended up taking matters into my own hands and making my own custom morph so that the backside on one of the leotards i was trying to work with had just the right amount of "flossing" between the cheeks and the sides were high up enough on the hips.
You might also have a look at this, currently in FastGrab: https://www.daz3d.com/cog-leather-vest-and-bikini-for-genesis-8-females
Oh great, as if my youtube recommendations were not weird enough already.
some leotard references to keep that algorithm recomending
Very well. This classic work out video may break a few algorithms. This was a real thing, learning with exercise, and there is a full series of these. I am not sure if the bikini is high enough, its kind of high. Some people might wonder if they are high on something watching it, though. I'd link the "Spare me..." videos but they are not in any sort of bikini, just bike pants. But you should watch it, it is EPIC.
w h a t d i d I j u s t w a t c h ? ? ?? ? ?
If only because I would be 30 years younger.
That's wonderful. Also, thanks to the algorithm, I came across the live version of Call on Me.
This is in Fastgrab today
...umm yeah...and it's 01:45 here.
The Funky Chicken it ain't that's for sure.
I agree about many bikinis having too low rise waist, and I think it's not just that, the panties are too tiny also, the sides doesn't have to be raised so high for me, I just want the bikini panties to cover more. I saw this on sale now: https://www.daz3d.com/isla-bikini-for-genesis-8-females, does anyone have this and can answear if the top and bottom have more than one material zone each? I love customizing my outfits, and I was thinking that I can use the panties from that set and use it with other bikini tops. But I need it to have atleast two material zones, one for the main part and one for the trims. Thanks in advance if anyone can check this for me!
Top got bikini, clasp and trim zones. Bottoms got bikini and trim.
Thank you so much for the reply and help with this, I really appreciate it!
I love clothes with several material zones, they should mention this in the description as this is a selling point I think, many customizes their outfits with iray shaders
. Then I can safely buy this outfit
Are you sure that's the same bikini as this?: https://www.daz3d.com/isla-bikini-for-genesis-8-females
The top looks different to me.