Looping Dforce Hair Simulation
Hi there.
Wanna ask for input, on how to properly loop simulated Dforce Hair.
Startpose and endpose are the same, but there is obviously a TINY difference between the first frame and last frame regarding the hair of the loop.
It is really tiny but noticeable.
I can think of two possibilities.
1. Use external editing software, add a few frames, where you do a blending between endframe, and startframe.(not optimal)
2. Save the first frame of the hair, as a morph, add a few extra frames at the end, where you morph the last frame to startframe.
Read some stuff, how to technically save single force frames as a morph, but would it work?
Any other suggestions?
if it's a strandbased Dforce hair I have no answers
if it were a Dforced transmapped hair the morphloader option would be feasible, I have done that myself with clothing
Wow that was quick. It's a non Dforce hair, which I made to work with Dforce.
I just tried saving as a morph.
I deleted everything, except the hair.
Select all with children.Zeroed the object.(was standard anyway)
Saved as morph with standard DAZ settings.
Loaded back as a morph on my rig. scene.
But the morph is slightly changing my hair. It gets a BIT longer and a few strands are curling.
Pretty sure my process is flawed.
morphloader it would need to be in the same position as the last frame on your loop, it gets complicated if its fitted to the figure too not parented
also I don't know if loading it as a morph would affect the dforce simulation
also the morph would need to be dialed out the next keyframe or it would still be added to the rest of the animation