Carrara 8 upgrade standard to pro ?

Hi everyone,
I 'm looking at the price for upgrading Carrara 8 Standard to pro, but I can't find it. When I go to the Carrara 8 upgrade page, I have a price 89 $ but it says at the bottom : "Important pricing note: This page allows you to upgrade to Carrara 8 from Carrara 7 or Carrara 7 Express by clicking on the drop-down box at the upper right. The price shown next to your upgrade option is the actual price you will pay. Choose the product you are upgrading from and click "add to cart."
The problem is that I can't choose the version I want to upgrade...
So, is it possible to upgrade to Carrara Pro with a standard version, how and whitch price ?
Thank you :) and sorry for my english :)
For some reason the upgrade to Carrara 8 pro is not on the store. Please contact the Sales Support people and they will take care of this for you. They can provide pricing and help you get it.
The contact department needs to be Sales Support.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Thank's for help :D
I'm having the same issues. Here's what I wanted a month ago:
UPGRADE Carrara Pro7 to Carrara Pro8
I wished for it last year when there was still a functional shopping cart.
Here's what I'm up against.
There was no longer an upgrade for a while!
Now that there is, the pricing is not right. It's like the pricing of a SIDEGRADE used to be. I'm already PRO, shouldn't I be treated like it?
Evidence began to appear of what smelled fishy.
"Important pricing note: This page allows you to upgrade to Carrara 8 Pro from Carrara 8, Carrara 7, or Carrara 7 Express by clicking on the drop-down box at the upper right. The price shown next to your upgrade option is the actual price you will pay. Choose the product you are upgrading from and click "add to cart."
I remember that drop down menu that let you choose what you were upgrading from.
OH well, I tried to add it to the cart and purchase... BUT!
"Some of the products below do not have all the required options. Please edit them and configure all the required options."
What options? The drop down menu is gone man, I can't select any!