I don't think that this can be done but is there a way to ... ?
![Drogo Nazhur](https://farnsworth-prod.uc.r.appspot.com/forums/uploads/userpics/506/n0NDMSY4I6LW8.png)
If a product / package offers a character with only one dial for the entire character (not seperate dials for head and body), is there a way to disable the head morph and dial just the body morph? Thank you in advance.
HD or not HD?
Not HD
Shape splitter allows you to separate non-HD full body morphs into head and body morphs (among other things).
Ouch! Expensive but if it works, it's a decent investment. Thank you. I will give it a try.
Do it for free, following the instructions in this video tutorial, starting atound 7:35.